16 thoughts on “Almost Ready To Fly”

  1. There are major milestones to be passed on this flight, but the one I’m really looking forward to will be the attempt to recover SuperHeavy in a future IFT. Perhaps IFT-5. The learning curve from a recovered booster should be quite steep.

    1. It’s possible they are waiting to build Superheavy Block-2 until they recover a Block-1 and can learn from it. There’s certainly a lot of bandaid fixes in the current iteration that I’m sure they’d like to eliminate.

  2. Time for Trump to announce that Musk will be his Secretary of Space, and rule over NASA, the FAA and FWS.

    1. Elon already has enough on his plate. Throwing him into the swamp will only serve to harm his other companies.

  3. “Time for Trump to announce that Musk will be his Secretary of Space, and rule over NASA, the FAA and FWS.”
    If it was Britain, Musk could be “First Space Lord”.

    1. Sounds good. But why not go full Ruritania? Archduke Elon I of the Grand Duchy of Starbase. 🙂

  4. If the SEC has its way, Musk will be sharing a cell with Trump. Although the Neodems are stupid enough they may simply deport him and the Chinese will eventually appoint him Technarch of the Solar System.

    1. Chinese will eventually appoint him Technarch of the Solar System

      Damaged beyond redemption from watching SF movies from the 30s on TV, I’m thinking of a throwback to Flash Gordon: “Musk the Merciless”

      1. If it happens, it won’t even be the first time. In the 50s, the US deported Qian Xuesen, a scientist at JPL, who then became head of the CPR’s missile and space program. Chinese colony on Mars, anyone? How stupid are we? The evidence suggests we are just that stupid.

        1. The scientist’s name sounds familiar. Qian is Pinyin, and the man is known to Arthur C Clarke fans as Tsien?

    1. And scrubbed, ground launch sequencer. One would think that the Atlas sequencer would be a mature, reliable system after 99 launches.

  5. Excitement delivered!

    Although I couldn’t help but think of Columbia while watching the plasma rip through the flap.


  6. Congratulations to SpaceX. Well done!*

    *This time. Most important is to not make it rare.

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