16 thoughts on “From Abbey Gate To Gaza”

  1. One thing that doesn’t get much attention is that all this hardware is ancient. Likely 40-50 years old. The Army has been trying to get out of the water craft business for at least as long so you can guess how much money and attention has been lavished on maintenance of these things. The Navy doesn’t want to mess with this mission either, it takes money they want to spend on carriers. Apparently, we plan on being able to drive to our next war, don’t tell Canada or Mexico.

    1. And almost all of it is supposed to be gone within a short period of time with no replacements. Shipping Twitter is depressing.

  2. “Our enemies are encouraged and our friends disheartened. It is almost as if the humiliation and failure is the actual goal.”

    It is Obama’s third term after all.

    Between the emasculation of the military and abusing fellow Americans until they hate the government as much as Democrats do, it is all going according to plan.

      1. The important thing is that no one gives Iran a hard time about getting nuclear weapons before the election. After the election though?

        1. News flash. They already have them… We paid for them to obtain them and we will pay again once they have been used.

  3. I particularly enjoyed this excerpt from The Free Press’s Nellie Bowles I received in my email this morning. I think you will too:
    → The new Gaza aid pier floats away: After spending $320 million and two months to build a pier to deliver aid into Gaza, American soldiers watched as that pier broke off and floated away. The great aid pier lasted eight days, and almost all the aid that came over that pier was immediately looted by Hamas. But the important thing is that everyone gave it their all. It’s not about winning or losing or getting food to starving Palestinians or undercutting the power of Hamas; it’s that we all came together and shared a sense of community and respect and dropped that cement sidewalk in the ocean. It’s that we all know that finding someone with expertise in wave patterns and rain is violence that has no place here. The Palestinians may not understand yet, but this is us showing solidarity. Everyone gets a medal. …

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