3 thoughts on ““Judge And Justice””

  1. Journo 302: Agenda driven narratives. This course will demonstrate how to craft a narrative and find co-operating sources in order to maximize clicks when free lancing stories under contract. Special emphasis will be given to finding peripheral stories that allow for source leverage. Also retaining search rankings when publishing under new media.

    Preq: Journo 210: How to interface with influencers for contract opportunities.

  2. Democrats take care of their own and give them fake jobs or fake book contracts for their service.

    Republicans need to raise this guy a couple million dollars so he can have a life and move on.

  3. To any one following the “hush money” trial; if Trump is found guilty (barring a hope for hung-jury) and suppose Merchan sentences him to prison (he will if he can). Could Trump be sentenced to the maximum jail time for each of the 34 “counts”? That is the reimbursements to Cohen were paid in installments of 34 each (all/most apparently paid after the election when Trump was in office as POTUS..but I digress). If the max penalty for each “count” is say one year could judge merchan sentence Trump to 1yr X 34 = 34 years in jail?

    Correction; answer to my own question:

    “Trump is charged with 34 Class E felony counts, which are punishable by imprisonment for more than one year. If the former president is found guilty, he could serve between a year and four months and four years in prison for each count, though a prison sentence is unlikely.”


    So possibly “between a year and four months and four years in prison for each count”; wow, judge merchan could go to town couldn’t he… Betting he would immediately order Trump to be taken to prison pending a successful appeal.

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