7 thoughts on “The Rotten Core Of College Campuses”

  1. Last weekend I mused on antisemitism at Chicago Boyz over the different types of antisemitism. I briefly touch on Communism; I am not sure if its antisemitism has any characteristics unique to itself.


    As stated in my earlier post on Edward Said, the left’s anti-Zionism is rooted in its anti-Westernism. A lot of lefties don’t distinguish between Zionists and Jews, which doesn’t surprise me because the same people tend to translate demonization of the West into demonization of white people.

  2. They’re not Intellectuals, more like the Russian Intelligenti pre-WW1, who destroyed Imperial Russia and then went down with the ship. Intelligenti thought they had “intelligence” in the sense of being “in the know,” but they were just the useful idiots of their day.

  3. A quote pulled from the FoxNews commentary section on Harvard’s Board decision to stand behind President Gay after her testimony to Congress last week:

    1 hour ago
    “At Harvard, we’re committed to finishing last in free speech among universities while supporting a diverse culture of plagiarists.”

    Like all things Harvard, plagiarism is contextual.

    Non-recitation is reserved to those 4L’s that are already pursing the post-graduate curriculum and those on the Law Review.

    1. Also from aforementioned FoxNews article.

      “At President Gay’s request, the Fellows promptly initiated an independent review by distinguished political scientists and conducted a review of her published work,” the Harvard Corporation said. “On December 9, the Fellows reviewed the results, which revealed a few instances of inadequate citation. While the analysis found no violation of Harvard’s standards for research misconduct, President Gay is proactively requesting four corrections in two articles to insert citations and quotation marks that were omitted from the original publications.”

      The public should be re-assured, the memory hole is in perfect working order!

      Distinguished political scientists? (Who shall remain nameless). Did they not have any distinguished Christian Scientists available?

      However, I agree with General Turdgeson. I wouldn’t condemn an entire career, based on a few small slip-ups.

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