The B-Team

More like the C-Team, actually. What happens when mediocrities are promoted.

[Update a few minutes later]

Related: Academics thrill to rape and murder.

[Update a while later]

Is Gen Z turning against Western civilization? And thoughts on Weimar America:

…the overwhelmingly minority students (whose school is ranked academically near the bottom among New York City schools) were acculturated to the racist reality that as the “oppressed” they were exempt from any punishment for hunting down their own teacher. As a Jewish (and thus white) “oppressive” supporter of Israel, she was reduced to, in the words an enthusiastic commenter on a Tik Tok video of the riot, a “cracker ass bitch.” And so the student pack tracked her down as if they were hunting an animal. The old Nazi youth gangs tried to kill Jews because they were not considered “white;” our new Nazis hunt them down because they allege that they are. The common denominator between the 1930s and 2023 is an unhinged hatred of Jews.


[Afternoon update]

The people who mobbed the Jewish restaurant in Philly are total psychopaths.

[Wednesday-morning update]

Addressing the rot in the universities.


[Friday-morning update]

Genocide and Jews at Harvard.

And are Americans finally starting to see the depravity of academia?


[Update a few minutes later]

Reverse speech codes aren’t the answer.

5 thoughts on “The B-Team”

  1. On the Philadelphia psychopaths story:

    Finally, in a demonstration that some people will put out disinformation like chaff countermeasures from a fighter jet, by Monday morning,

    I understand that last bit to be the tactic of fiery speaking to the base over the weekend and then have Hermann Göring spin it differently for international consumption on Monday “What Chancellor Hitler really meant was…” Very Nazi-like.

    Also, I posted to VDH’s Wiemar America article. My take is that there was a lot more going on than anti-Semitic goons taking over the Wiemar government with some significant actors planning the destruction of the Republic from day one, including creating many of the military tools and strategies that the Nazis used so brutally. I don’t think we have that sort of institutional support for the destruction of the US.

    1. “I don’t think we have that sort of institutional support for the destruction of the US.”

      We do and it has been directed at conservatives and more broadly towards non-Democrats.

  2. Not just the German National Socialists. After a few decades as PLO mouthpiece, it finally became common knowledge that Yassir Arafat would say different things depending on whether the language was Arabic or English. For years he was confident in the knowledge that most of the people who knew both languages wouldn’t be willing or able to call him out on his Arabic doubletalk, because they were on his side.

  3. What we are seeing on college campuses has been happening to conservatives for a long time now.

    The behavior isn’t wrong because the Democrats are now targeting Jews. The behavior is wrong because the behavior is wrong, regardless of the target.

    Will Democrats appalled by how Jews are treated by other Democrats realize that not only is this behavior is common from Democrats but that it is wrong no matter who the target is?

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