5 thoughts on “The Nazis, And Hamas”

  1. The only reason the HAMAS vermin have not executed Jews on the scale of the Nazis is because they lack the ability to do so.

    At least for now.

    With the assistance the vermin receive from the “right thinking people” that may change.

    Which is why my family and I have, and know how to use, defensive weapons….

    Because getting on the railroad car, bus, or truck does not end well.


  2. “The only reason the HAMAS vermin have not executed Jews on the scale of the Nazis is because they lack the ability to do so.”

    Yes. Likely they never will as long as Israel exists unlike the “voyage of the dammed” past scenario it (Israel) would accept deported Jewish refugees. Even Hitler tried to expel/deport the German Jewish population prior to the “final solution” but no country including (shamefully) the US would take them. As far as the continued existence of Israel those who plot its destruction (either directly or by deliberate willful look the other way) have one very important factor they seem to habitually ignore:

    “Israel is estimated to have 90 nuclear warheads, with fissile material stockpiles of over 200.”


    Obviously an “estimate” is only a guess; they could have many more than that. Not sure what their delivery systems are.

    1. I actually read their delivery system technical spec about 30 years ago. It only became evident to me that that was what is was when I got to the part where they forgot to edit out a reference to “the warheads.”

      They have everything they need.

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