24 thoughts on “The Governor Of New Mexico”

  1. I find it astonishing how many Lefties, including anti-gun nuts, have come out against her. It is a surprise that some of them seem to have at least a partial understanding of the meaning of the word “rights”, and of the true nature of the Constitution – especially in light of the past several years’ destruction of the American republic, largely by their doing.

    1. The NM AG, the Sheriff of Bernalillo County (both elected dems), David Hogg (DAVID HOGG?)….

      And she keeps doubling down on stupid. Her attorney (who I hope the people of New Mexico are not paying for, since their AG already said it’s unconstitutional) claims that the laws are inapplicable to New Mexico…

  2. It’d be kind of nice if such blatant violation of the oath of office was punished. I can think of a couple of other governors that should be next in line.

    1. A letter was sent to the US AG, reporting the lack of a republican, constitutionally driven government in NM…by several members of congress.

      Not that he’ll do anything but Article IV, section 4 requires a republican form of government and protect them against domestic violence – and abrogating the Constitution is certainly domestic violence/

  3. She’s renounced her oath of office. Not just violated it, renounced it.

    Your oath of office is, in fact absolute. Well, it was. You don’t get to make up stuff you’d rather do instead.

    1. Are you referring to her actions, or to the part of her speech where she lumped her oath in with all of the other inconveniences like the Constitution that were “not absolute”

      1. That part of her speech, very specifically.
        It’s the normal order of things for politicians to do things that are unConstitutional. It’s even become normalized, unfortunately, for politicians to state out loud that they don’t much care if this or that is unConstitutional.
        But it is something new, that the offense is this blatant, followed by a statement, in effect, that the oath of office is optional.
        It’s not optional.
        That’s not okay, and it really needs to be slapped down hard.
        I suppose the remedy is impeachment, which I worry may not succeed. But we do have to try; this cannot stand. The oath of office is not some petty inconvenience in the way of her Will to Power; it’s an essential part of republican government, and it’s the sole reason we’ve treated her with some respect, as the voice of a state, rather than what she actually is, an overweight PTA mom with a Napoleon complex.

      2. “New Mexicans will not be bound by the so-called constitution, which we all know was written thousands of years ago by slave-owning cis white men”

  4. BReaks BAdly. I saw what you did there. Is her pension buried in the desert somewhere with its GPS co-ordinates printed on a Lotto ticket?

  5. This was a trial balloon to see what the response would be. I want the response to be as definitive as possible.

  6. Not the Babylon Bee:
    New Mexico Governor signs executive order renaming state to Mexico. Calls up national cartels to restore order in Albuquerque.

  7. “There are quite a few Americans who believe that someday, the federal government will come to their door to seize their guns.”

    Yeah, I used to be one of them. No more, though. My wife and I were sailing off of Guam this past May, when Typhoon Mawar hit us. Our boat capsized, and my entire firearms collection – which I always carry on cruises to fend off pirates – fell overboard right on top of the Mariana Trench.

    What a stroke of bad luck. I was really ticked off, but what could I say…other than “Arrrrrrr!”?

  8. Lets see being within 50 ft of president Trump (or any president) nullifies your 2nd amendment rights.
    Being under the influence of drugs can also nullify your 2nd amendment rights.

    Why not for a localized state of emergency?

    1. This is the type of dumb argument Democrats like to make. If one exception exists then it must mean all the other retarded shit Democrats say must be adopted, as if providing security for the President means that we must seize all the guns from the populace without changing the Constitution.

      Hermaphrodites exist, so that means there is no such thing as men and women other than whatever some sadist Progressive Marxist imagines at any given minute in any given day.

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