4 thoughts on “Bidenvilles”

  1. When DeSantis sent a bunch over to the MV late last summer, the cry when up from the seasonal natives how ill equipped their $20M dollar coastal mansions were to handle the massive wave of 50 migrants. After blaming DeSantis for political gamesmanship (whatever happened to sanctuary cities?), in less than a week they were literally shipped out to the former Otis AFB on the Cape for eventual resettlement elsewhere. Like I’m guessing similar affluent communities in New Bedford, Woburn, Brockton, Dorchester, etc. But, hey, at least they got T-Shirts from the “documented” MV summer migrants.

  2. It would be interesting if every home that had a “There is no such thing as illegal immigrants” were forced to house a family. Got the sign? here’s your family.

    I predict that those signs would disappear instantly.

  3. Send the busses to DC and let the passengers off in front of the White House. Take other buses and drop them off at Capitol Hill and their homes. That’s what it will take to get those morons north of Richmond to pay attention.

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