5 thoughts on “How Pride Lost The Public”

  1. They deny it on TV but at their events, they sing songs about coming after other people’s kids.

  2. That’s only partially true; “Pride” started losing it long before that, and recent years are merely putting nails in the coffin. And it’s not just the public; a lot of gay people are disgusted by this, and are also well aware that they are amongst those being hurt by all this.

    “Gay rights”. It started decades ago as a quest for equal rights and an end to discrimination. This, in my view, was needful and right.

    Then came the radicalization. Incorporating trans people and the resulting alphabet soup (LGBTQ+, and it got even longer) was absurd on many levels. Absurdity was the least of it; the goal went from equal rights to special rights. When they crossed that particular Rubicon, they lost the support of a lot of us.

    It got worse from there. Raping kids started to be “just another orientation”. It’s become a long series of own-goals. Insisting on things like drag shows for kids, etc, simply made enemies of people who weren’t enemies before.

    They drank the kool-aid of the far left, and now the “movement” has become the greatest source of actual harm to gay people.

    Is “Leave the kids alone!” really such a tough concept to grasp, even from a pure self-interest perspective? Apparently so, for some.

    1. How people act at Pride events contrasts with the image of flamboyant normalcy gay activists have created through media.

  3. I married a lesbian I’d known and courted for almost 20 years,

    It lasted less than a year.

    We loved each other but we had a problem relating to one another. We approached dealing with day-to-day issues quite differently. Essentially, eventually we couldn’t relate.

    Good people are not always going to coexist benignly.

    No animals were here hurt in this announcement.

  4. I think we thought that there was not much difference between how we each thought about things in real time.

    Apparently not.

    I guess biology is more complicated.

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