22 thoughts on “Why Did Trump Do It?”

  1. Simple. He kept some things so they would be preserved. All presidents have a presidential library which includes such archives.

  2. You will have to forgive us skeptics after the past six years of orchestrated hoaxes and attempted coups. The number one lesson, just because a Democrat makes a claim, does not make it true.

    The Democrats agents in government can’t even make their case without lying, schemeing, manipulation, and abusing government and corporate powers.

    Serious question with serious implications. Will we ever get to see the documents that Democrats claim justify destroying the rule of law, the peaceful transition of power, and faith in our institutions?

    Secret trials. Secret evidence. That is not justice.

  3. I think the article was essentially correct, but here’s another aspect. By one account someone was shown classified materials. Trump made it perfectly clear it was classified, and even went on to comment that since he was no longer president, he could not declassify them.

    I think he felt this was a good way to both impress and ingratiate himself to certain people. He sought to make them feel privileged by showing them something they clearly should not have been able to see.

    So sure, he may be a legitimate pack rat, but I think this was at least part of what he was thinking about.

  4. Given the fact the many (if not most) ex-presidents are known for taking lots of documents/letters etc. including (both) Clinton(s), Bush, Obama, and of course Joe Biden the whole tone of the article is suspect. It is as if the idea of an ex president taking lots of documents/letters/mementos is itself some kind of an outlier eccentricity requiring some kind of a personal explanation when it is basically par for the course.

  5. I’m wondering about the actual actions described by the word “shown”. If I hold aloft a highly classified piece of paper in my hands and wave it at you from across the room; or if I pass that paper across the desk to you and allow you time to read or even memorize it … are both actions well described by the same word?

  6. “I’m wondering about the actual actions described by the word “shown””

    Yes. Is this alluded to “tape” an audio/video recording or just audio? Does it (the tape) show him clearly actually handing the alleged “classified” paperwork to the “journalist” for him to read/copy/memorize or merely waved it about in the air in his presence and then returned it to the pile?

    1. Same. First image I got in my head when I heard that he had “shown” a classified document to someone was Trump holding up a document complete with cover sheet and saying, see this?”, not opening it up and waving the contents under their nose!

      The lack of further detail argues that the press either doesn’t know, or it’s the former but they want to keep the fiction that it could be the latter.

  7. Rand: “…a different class…”

    I’m certain you are way smarter than me. I try to pretend, but I’m constantly disappointed.

    But I’m not dumb just because you are less dumb than me.

    Trump is my guy, not only because he irritates all those deserving of being irritated for cause, but also because he irritates all the people who think I should be irritated the same as they irritate me.

    I am. Therefore… I irritate back.

    Suck it up, Lollipop.


    1. A guy I know invited me to a large party for friends and neighbors in August 2015. He and his school-teacher and school principal friends and colleagues hunt on some land in my family.

      This man is a retired high-school band director, and as a school teacher he is union through-and-through — he drives a GM product with the correct bumper stickers. He indicated that his school-teacher wife was in the Hillary camp, but guy-to-guy, he expressed skepticism to me, saying he was leaning towards Bernie.

      So at the party, I am seated in a circle of the guys, and lets just say the beer was flowing freely and the guys, whom I had just met, got to talking. And what they were talking about is how much they liked the idea of President Trump.

      Curious as to what motivated support for Donald Trump, whose public persona was casinos and the line “You’re fired!” on that lame reality TV show, I carefully and diplomatically asked probing questions, or as much as I dared in a circle of half-drunk guys on lawn chairs. Being in the education biz myself, I “got” why my retired school-teacher host was a Bernie supporter, but that the guys at his party were in the Trump camp did not compute.

      “Trump is his own man. He doesn’t take money from the Koch brothers like (then Wisconsin Governor and presidential aspirant) Walker.”

      “The Koch brothers are also wealthy. So what is wrong that the Kochs fund the campaign of Scott Walker instead of one of the brothers self-financing his own campaign like Mr. Trump is doing?”

      “Trump speaks his mind. I like that.”

      Something tells me that the vast preponderance of Trump supporters are not Internet hounds like you and me and are disconnected from opinions expressed by our fine host Rand, or by Scott Johnson and John Hinderaker or by the gaggle of hosts on Powerlineblog or Instapundit these days. I don’t think they even read National Review or The Wall Street Journal.

      With all respect to Rand and his generous supplying of bandwidth for you or me to comment here, a person needs to “get out more”, to talk to people whose social life centers more around drinking beer sitting on lawn chairs rather than reading and commenting on blogs.

      We can argue “Trump should have done this” or “Trump really did it to himself this time”, but I don’t think I am getting a sense of what Mr. Trump’s political base or the preponderance of Republican primary voters are thinking by listening to Rand and his internet colleages. Rand needs to “get out more”, I need to “get out more” too.

  8. To be honest, ‘R’anting on Rand kinda makes me uncomfortable.

    It’s why I limit myself to the lower-case “r”.

    Differences of opinion don’t have to be nuke-level.

    I support your right to express your opinion: 100%

    1. What difference in opinion did I express, let alone it being nuke-level?

      What I said is that the men who gather to sit on a circle of lawn chairs and drink beer are not, to my knowledge, influenced by the favorable or unfavorable opinions expressed about Mr. Trump in the Right/Conservative/Libertarian Blogosphere.

      The Guys Drinking Beer While Seated on Lawn Chairs may think Mr. Trump is crazy and it is time to move on. Or, they may be further convinced Mr. Trump is speaking truth to power. Certainly, the Lawnchairosphere offered more insight into the 2016 election than the Blogosphere.

  9. Not that it really matters in the great scheme of things, I’ve lived more than half my life in Florida.

    Florida has been very kind to me. It lured me away from Oregon, which I never believed would ever be possible.

    It’s a good thing I’ve been in Florida.

    I’m planning to leave for new experiences elsewhere.

    Getting out more.

  10. Trump will repeal the Impoundment Control Act (1974) by having the courts rule it unconstitutional. With it gone he (Trump) says he can curtail excessive Congressional spending by “impounding” and returning it to the treasury (or the people). Interesting; not sure how that would work as a practical measure since most of the extra is deficit spending not actually part of the budget per se.

    BREAKING NEWS: Trump Unveils Plan To ‘Crush The Deep State’


    This along with his previously proposed “schedule F”; no wonder they hate him so….

  11. By the Presidential Records Act Trump has total authority to classify or declassify ALL records at any time and anything he takes when leaving office is his and is declassified. PERIOD.

    If the President does NOT have this authority is he a “President”? He would be subject to the bureaucracy (Deep State) and only a figurehead. Read the Constitution, Article 2, only the President is given this power.

    The Boss can always wave the rules he (or his subordinates) set.

    This is all Political weaponization of the DOJ. VivaBarns Sunday video: https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/upost/809186/last-sundays-stream

    1. An interesting point. Why didn’t President Trump just sign a letter left on his desk in the Oval Office on his last day in office declaring, “All documents that are in my personal possession to be retained by me after today are hereby declassified.”

      I’ll bet you from now on that will be the case.

      Then the trials going forward will be if a new president can reclassify materials previous declassified by the former president. hoo boy! Grab the popcorn.

      1. “… a letter left on his desk …”

        You really think it wouldn’t promptly land in the nearest wastebasket? Or ashtray?

        1. Willful destruction of official documents is a Federal crime. Unless there is a D attached to your party affiliation apparently.

      2. I’ll never claim that Trump is the smartest tool in the shed. He makes poor chooses in those around him. To repeat a tweet: “He needs choose the ‘besty’ not the ‘chesty’.

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