20 thoughts on “Impeachable Offenses”

  1. Sure none of these impeachments would result in convictions. The Stupid Party, however, should consider impeachments as another way of tying up the Senate and these Executive Branch officers so that they can’t cause as much trouble.

    Then again, the Stupid Party managed to let Schiff off the hook this past week.

  2. If mere incompetence is the standard for impeachment, there are no cabinet officers or executive branch appointees that should not be impeached.

    And why does nobody mention the SecTrans (which these days may have many inferences)?

  3. I’m not sure incompetence is solely the domain of the Democratic Party. If we were to impeach on that criteria alone, we should streamline the process and rewrite the Constitution. Here is my proposed preamble:

    In the federal government system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important houses: the US House of Representatives who investigate crime and bring charges and the Senate who prosecute and try the offenders. These are their stories.

    Our new National Anthem

    ok, ok yes I stole the idea in part from Bill Maher.

    1. They aren’t incompetent. Most of them know exactly what they are doing.

      The exception appears to be the Sec of Trans., who was in over his head as mayor of a deindustrialized Midwestern town.

  4. Dunno Rand think both sides could agree at some point in time that the AG that deserved to be impeached was Bill Barr. Yet he never was.

          1. This may shock you, but I don’t pay a lot of attention to MTG.

            Why not she seems to be doing what you want..
            But if you don’t like clowns, I also say Andy Biggs would also be willing to impeach Barr at some point of time.

          2. Again, this may shock you, but even if someone does a lot of what I want, it can be neutered by doing a lot of things I don’t want.

            But I’ve never noticed that you give much thought to the chronically dumb things you write here.

          3. Again, this may shock you, but even if someone does a lot of what I want, it can be neutered by doing a lot of things I don’t want.

            You never daine to mention the things she does that you don’t want in your blog. But you are more than willing to comment about the idiocy from AOC , Richard Shelby, Bushes or some fetishist that was in the military.
            While you also post on your blog.
            How you think Candance Owens should be supreme court justice.
            Sidney Powell is the best lawyer ever,
            Believed that idiot pollster about Red Tsunami in 2022 , that thought there was a ton of secret Trump voters in 2020 and had California as a toss up.

            So how am I supposed to know that MTG was beyond the pail for you after seeing those you do follow.

          4. I don’t have time to waste complaining about MTG on my blog.

            And learn how to spell “deign,” and “beyond the pale.”

            Hilarious ignorance and idiocy. If you’re really an engineer, you are a shame to the profession, and I hope you never design anything important. But you do have the dubious honor of being the biggest ignoramus and imbecile in my comment section.

        1. I’m curious. Since you brought some nobody called “MTG” up, on the rightwing evilness scale, how many millitrumps do you think that this “MTG” scores?

          Is it even possible for anyone, even Hitler, to score more than 1000 millitrumps?

          1. Every current Republican, or conservative for that matter, leader is a Hitler™ don’t-ya-know? After they start fading into obscurity they become ‘positive figures’ that the newest Hitler™ is betraying …and so it goes.

            And yes I wonder if Hitler™, the real one, would score more than 1000 millitrumps on these peoples’ ratings.

          2. I was inadvertently exposed to 50 microtrumps on CNN before I could find the remote about a month ago and had to spend about 96 hours on MSNBC to counteract it. Potent stuff that….

          3. Since Hitler’s campaign materials read like Obama, Warren, and Sanders did a colab, Hitler would be received much the way other South American commie dictators are, with respect and reverence.

    1. Was Barr the one who got the FBI not to release exculpatory evidence when Trump was impeached for asking Ukraine about Biden bribes?

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