…hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) October 11, 2022
Well, she’s not wrong.
I can’t imagine Gabbard as a Trump Republican. The two personalities are like oil and water. Oh gee, I’ve used that analogy already this month. I’ve broken my own rule! OK, I meant like sodium and water! (I’ll let you decide which is which.) So, what’s next? Libertarian Party?
Huh? A Tucker Carlson Guest host, and Trumpservitive political action committee guest speaker wouldn’t want to be a Trumpican?
After all they all work for the same pay master, throw in Rand’s new favorite writers Glen Greenwald and Micheal Tracy.
After all they all work for the same pay master,
Rupert Murdock?
One of them or at least a bag-man for the other.
When, exactly, did Glenn Greenwald become my “new favorite writer”? Do you try to look foolish? If so, you’re doing a great job, but maybe it’s effortless.
January 7th 2022 Any other questions?
To answer your question from then, Greenwald is still the Anti American Hack he has always been so. So you can figure out what changed.
Ugh I fumbled the link
Curious can’t get the link to work
Hey – self-proclaimed engineer:
Reading the entire thread at the link you provided I see Rand saying:
“…I agree with him much more than I used to.”
And that’s all.
“agree with much more..”
does not equal
Once again you expose your complete disassociation with logic and reading ability. And you do it in the dumbest way possible – during an underhanded swipe.
…just like Old Jim.
His ‘new favorite writer’ because I have been coming to this blog for over 17 years and I don’t remember Rand Linking to Glenn Greenwald articles as much as he as he has in the last few years. I provided a date as Rand requested. Since you are too lazy to research this yourself and rather speak from an orifice that is very distantly connected to your brain, let’s do something that engineers call data collection and analysis.
Lets see Rand got a nice little search feature that I probably won’t be able to provide a link to again
By Rand own search database he posted something mentioning Glenn Greenwald 8 times according to the search.
Then there are these 2 posts that the search missed
Now lets break this down Rand Mentioned Glenn 10 times since 2009 and been blogging since 2001.
First was 2009 a Backhanded compliment and linking to a NRO article that I imagined talked about Gleen Greenwald, doubting he would have written a article for them 10+ years ago
2010 calling him “Ass Clown” seems about right True as then as it is now.
2011 Backhanded compliment link to a video of Greenwalds starting to distance himself from Democrats.
2013 comment of another writers backhanded compliment of Greenwalds further distancing himself from Democrats
So 4 posts mentioning him from 2009-2013 with none of them a link to his written articles a prestigious winded writer who gained national attention since 2006. A gap of 2013-2020 of no mention of him on the blog until October of 2020 which is the first time a link is directly provided to Greenwald written article.
Since the October 2020 link, Rand Mentioned Glenn another 5 Times providing a link to his writing 4 times and the 5th is linking to someone taking a shot at “democrats” for noting Greenwald shift from a American hating leftest, to a American-hating National Socialist.
IN Summary Rand mentioned him 10 times in 13 years and until 2 years ago hasn’t linked to an Greenwald written article , then Linked to him 5 times.
So where am I wrong to suggest that Glenn Greenwald is one of Rands ‘NEW Favorite’ writers?
The provided date was the 4th of the Five linked Greenwald written articles and where Rand himself notes that he finds Greenwald writings less objectionable than he used to.
So please sit down Brinksedge before you expose yourself as an ignorant fool, oh wait too late.
You might want to look into getting a life.
Fake Engineer (Jim) writes:
“His ‘new favorite writer’ because I have been coming to this blog for over 17 years and I don’t remember Rand Linking to Glenn Greenwald articles as much as he as he has in the last few years.”
More garbage.
An extremely weak defense. In fact no defense at all. Unsupported, wild statement.
Zero basis for alleging that Greenewald is Rand’s “new favorite”.
I can’t even say “nice try”.
Gabbard was fine with Dems, but Dems changed.
Trump was New York Dem.
Maybe, she wasn’t fond of New York Dems and also
isn’t fond of Trump.
But her main problem is the bat shit crazy stuff.
Maybe her metamorphosis is not yet complete. Her recent video of range day shows she is aiming for something though.
She still has the same values which lead inexorably to the results she decries.
Somoene in the comments somewhere showed a screenshot supposedly only a couple of months old showing her as a member of the WEF.
But she holds enough far-left views I wouldn’t personally trust her without some proof.
I have heard – though not yet verified – that she’s into serious gun control.
Strangely enough, on policy issues, she’s a lot closer to Trump than the NeverTrumpers and RINOS. She certainly has a different style, and unlike many of the star D candidates (Hobbs, cough cough, Fetterman, Harris, Warnock, Biden, etc.) she can actually speak in coherent sentences.
In a warm, sexy voice.
A sexist would say!
Another sexist would agree – and note that Tulsi has always been far too good-looking to be Democrat.
I’m just glad to see her mention the weaponizing of the US national security apparatus to go after political dissent. Of all the things, this concerns me the most, because it can quickly become untethered to any political grounding. When that happens, a small, unelected few will control things until much bloodshed is used to remove them from power.
I wonder where she’s heading? Sounds like it’s not the Republican Party which is good news.
Well, where the dems are heading is not good.
I don’t she is actually “moving”.
One could say Bernie Sanders moved, but she doesn’t
have to.
But apparently, if look at last election, Bernie didn’t move enough.
She’s no conservative. with her strong support of gun control(Red Flag Laws, Universal Background Checks, Banning semi-autos), which is a deal killer for me and the gun community.
She’s also very pro-abortion, which will rile the pro-lifers, and on a least a few other issues, she’s weird.
But then, Trump was never conservative either(bump stock ban, etc.)
She’s a lesser evil than Occasional Cortex, but lesser evil is still evil in my book. Not that I’m planning on voting, even at my local level.
I think Dems shouldn’t have guns.