…prepares to march on Concord.
I’m old enough to remember when we were told he was a “moderate.” This will not end well.
[Update a couple minutes later]
The parents strike back.
[Afternoon update]
Heroic FBI agent tackles parent concerned about his child’s education.
[Late-night update]

Well technically, it was a march from Cambridge to the King’s armory in Acton, until faced with an unruly mob of colonials at Lexington Green that failed to disperse when ordered to do so. Once the mob was dispatched the column continued their march through Concord and into Acton. Seeing the Armory secured, the column was ambushed on the march back to Cambridge by cowardly colonials that actually fired from behind stone walls and trees! Unheard of! When we were there to actually protect them from themselves! The idiots…
His majesty should revoke his protection. Remove all his weapons and munitions and let the colonials fend for themselves against an overwhelmingly superior number of hostile natives. Just wait until they come pouring back into the maritime provinces of His Majesty’s Commonwealth for protection! Serve them right!
It’s amazing how bad the DOJ is. Last week, the FBI is announcing a US homicide rate increase of 30% in just one year. The next week response from the AG? We will work with state and local officials to protect school boards. Really? How many school board officials were murdered in 2020?
The other side of all this is what Glenn Reynolds refers to as Gooder and Harder. Because most suburban school boards are agreeing with parents about CRT. There isn’t much conflict in these areas. In addition, murder is still most common among poor and minorities that tend to vote Democrat. The DOJ is ultimately screwing their base. I take little solace from these statistics. It’s been clear for a long time that the DOJ enjoys allowing mayhem like this as it gives them leeway to enact tougher sanctions on all citizens.
For a few dollars more. See the point from 14:00 on:
Some engineering professors have “issues” with requiring their undergraduates to take Differential Equations from the Math Department. In many cases, they have had sons or daughters studying engineering who had a bad experience with Dif Eq.
There is also the complaint that Math teaches Dif Eq in a dry, theoretical way that “turns off” engineering students, and Math does not include any practical, engineering examples.
Should I warn my colleagues that as parents wanting to have input into the courses their children take, the Attorney General will put them on a terrorism watch list?
Should I warn my colleagues that as parents wanting to have input into the courses their children take, the Attorney General will put them on a terrorism watch list?
Does the AG have in-laws that sell teaching materials for Dif Eq to math departments?
I can’t resist saying, the picture makes it look like he’s got his thumb up his rectum and is enjoying the experience.
Not that there is anything wrong with that!
As long as it’s his and not ours.