20 thoughts on “The Climate Doom Mongers”

  1. You folks keep right on denying the climate consensus and the Earth will go to Hell! The trees (rings) have spoken! Just a grain of faith among you people (and $40/gal gas) could drop the average global temperature this century by as much as .01 +/- .03 Deg C. Just from this country alone!! So let’s get moving on lowering that standard of living pronto!! Believe in Science! It’s a matter of good faith!

  2. “You don’t have to be a scientist to being to feel that we are looking at a trend line.”

    But you do have to be that scold-of-a-statistician whom we hired on the center grant to know that a lot of scientists confuse correlation with causation and lack the most basic grasp of basic statistical techniques.

  3. It’s worth remembering that there actually has been a proven human impact on temperature readings. It’s called urban growth.

    The urban heat island effect is real (you can see this yourself via paying attention to your car’s external thermometer when driving across a city on a sunny day), and thus impacts temperature readings in cities and towns that have grown (making them warmer than before). Thus, most of the weather stations that comprise the surface temp record are affected.

    Yet, these records are often “adjusted” to show warming, whereas if they were adjusted to reflect reality they would be adjusted the other way.

    As for the article, I’m shocked to see such a scandalous adherence to facts in the WaPo.

    1. As for the article, I’m shocked to see such a scandalous adherence to facts in the WaPo.
      Replacing all those Amazon delivery vehicles with electrics is going to cost Bezos a fortune. Not just in cost of replacement but in higher priced urban electricity as well.

    2. As for the article, I’m shocked to see such a scandalous adherence to facts in the WaPo.
      The Eco-Warriors are an embarrassing inconvenience when they act up under a Democratic Administration so they must be muzzled. Remember how Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan were shut down as soon as Obama took office? WaPo is just doing its “due diligence” to a (D) regime.

  4. And if they really believed that we are “doomed” what would we have to lose by trying some kind of climate engineering? Like Iron fertilization of the oceans which not only would reducing CO2 but having the side effect of increasing plankton yields leading to increased fish stocks? As in open ocean fish farming.


  5. The IPCC debunked itself when not one of its models correctly predicted the subsequent 20 years – even with a laughable 90% confidence interval.

  6. Well that’s new – one of my comments awaiting moderation? Since when is this moderated?

      1. The + in place of a space character in Ed+Minchau….
        Apparently makes WordPress think you are someone else. Same thing happened to me a few days back. Don’t know how the ‘+’ got there in the first place. Manually removed it from the Name field and it hasn’t returned.

  7. More:
    “In 2012, the British Columbia–based Native American Haida tribe launched an effort to restore the salmon fishery that has provided much of their livelihood for centuries. Acting collectively, the Haida voted to form the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation, financed it with $2.5 million of their own savings, and used it to support the efforts of American scientist-entrepreneur Russ George to demonstrate the feasibility of open-sea mariculture — in this case, the distribution of 120 tons of iron sulfate into the northeast Pacific to stimulate a phytoplankton bloom which in turn would provide ample food for baby salmon.”

    “In addition to producing salmon, this extraordinary experiment has yielded a huge amount of data. Within a few months after the ocean-fertilizing operation, NASA satellite images taken from orbit showed a powerful growth of phytoplankton in the waters that received the Haida’s iron. It is now clear that, as hoped, these did indeed serve as a food source for zooplankton, which in turn provided nourishment for multitudes of young salmon, thereby restoring the depleted fishery and providing abundant food for larger fish and sea mammals. In addition, since those diatoms that were not eaten went to the bottom, a large amount of carbon dioxide was sequestered in their calcium carbonate shells.

    Native Americans bringing back the salmon and preserving their way of life, while combating global warming: One would think that environmentalists would be very pleased.”

    They were not:

    “One would be very wrong. Far from receiving applause for their initiative, the Haida and Mr. George have become the target of rage aimed from every corner of the community seeking to use global warming as a pretext for curtailing human freedom.

    “It appears to be a blatant violation of two international resolutions,” Kristina Gjerde, a senior high-seas adviser for the International Union for Conservation of Nature told the Guardian. “Even the placement of iron particles into the ocean, whether for carbon sequestration or fish replenishment, should not take place, unless it is assessed and found to be legitimate scientific research without commercial motivation. This does not appear to even have had the guise of legitimate scientific research.”


    1. This is a remarkable passage. Previously, environmentalists objected to human actions that harmed whales. But now, human actions that help whales also evoke horror. Clearly, it’s not about whales at all. It’s about prohibiting human activity, which is seen as intrinsically evil and therefore in need of constraint regardless of its content or intent.

      This has been more or less either the *implicit* or *explicit* intent behind most of the so-called environmental movements dating all the way back to the 1970s. And there is essentially the crux of the question they cannot answer: If nature is so perfect, why did it allow human beings to evolve in the first place?

  8. As for the article, I’m shocked to see such a scandalous adherence to facts in the WaPo.
    The Eco-Warriors are an embarrassing inconvenience when they act up under a Democratic Administration so they must be muzzled. Remember how Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan were shut down as soon as Obama took office? WaPo is just doing its “due diligence” to a (D) regime.

  9. Ed Berry (edberry.com) has the produced the clearest explanation and scientific deconstruction of the absurd theories used by the IPCC.

    We are in a new dark-age of human self-inflicted ignorance and misery. No wonder Elon Musk wants to leave.

  10. When someone claims the temperature will be X degrees above average, have you ever replied, “Do you know what average means?”

    The temperature fluctuations we have witnessed since the dawn of instruments capable of measuring it are all well within normal fluctuations when looked at on a timeline that Earth operates on, which is far different than a silver of a human’s lifespan. Our day to day perceptions of weather and climate are meaningless when trying to understand the climate and yet those perceptions are used to scare people into thinking we live in an apocalypse instead of one of the best climates humans have ever experienced.

    1. It’s never been a mystery to me why that idiotic television show, “Survivor” was always staged in the tropics and not the polar regions. Cold has little tolerance for life and vice-versa.

      1. I much preferred “Survivor Man featuring Les Stroud”. Some of the places he made his show in were nasty — as in Warning This Place Can Kill You “nasty”.

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