7 thoughts on “Space Resources”

  1. Let’s see if Chinese lie more space than Russians.

    ““We’ve heard a lot about water on the Moon, but if you talk to any lunar scientist they will tell you we don’t actually know what the chemical composition of that water is and how difficult it will be to extract and refine it into a usable product,” says Weeden.”

    I don’t think the problem with lunar water, is whether is it is hydrates or not.
    The problem is the lack lunar polar exploration.
    It seems likely that lunar polar has more water, as compared to the rest of the Moon, but that doesn’t mean it is mineable.

  2. Heat Lunar regolith and you get steam. A ton of radioactive material would provide enough heat to produce more steam than you could handle. Put it in the shade and boil it into a big tent to refreeze. Use the excess heat to keep you from freezing, and to produce electricity. Drive your Tesla truck to the sun line when you get low on vitamin D, then go back and make more water. Lather, rinse, repeat. Simple. Not easy. Simple.

    1. You don’t mine anything without first exploring.
      The biggest thing, NASA lunar polar region exploration could achieve is causing more non NASA exploration of the Moon.
      Exploring the Lunar polar region is related to the purpose of exploring Mars.
      NASA should not get bogged down on lunar exploration, but NASA should do enough exploration. Enough lunar exploration is a bit hard to quantify, but if NASA is exploring the Moon and parties other than NASA are exploring and attempting to mine lunar water, NASA has explore enough for the time being.
      Exploration of the Moon will take longer than the time spent on Moon- “one collects info, than one processes it”.
      I would say in “ideal world NASA explore the Moon, than start sending crew to Mars, two years after crew are on Mars, lunar water mining and rocket fuel production starts on the Moon.
      NASA has already failed to explore Moon- it should finish it a decade ago and NASA should able to finish it within 5 years.

      And of course there is “the risk” that NASA explores the Moon and finds there is no mineable lunar water.
      And that actually the reason NASA should have explored the Moon over decade ago, and the reason explore the Moon, now.
      And NASA could be exploring the Moon to determine if there is mineable and discover other things. And Lunar water might not be mineable, currently, but become mineable in the future.

      And if Musk builds city on Mars, it’s also time for NASA to stop exploring Mars. So if lunar miner show up on the Moon, NASA spent too much time attempting to explore the Moon for mineable water.
      Or NASA purpose is start markets in space.

  3. As far as how this aligns with the CCP? only one answer possible: 100%.

    Sounds like a cover for a swarmable ASAT.

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