…has been oversold.
At some point, the people will simply rebel.
And a depressing post from Virginia Postrel about “the new normal.”
[Update a few minutes later]
In which the former editor of Reason magazine is called a “lefty Marxist.”
…has been oversold.
At some point, the people will simply rebel.
And a depressing post from Virginia Postrel about “the new normal.”
[Update a few minutes later]
In which the former editor of Reason magazine is called a “lefty Marxist.”
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For the ratings driven MSM where narrative drives ratings I’ve grown accustomed to being bombarded daily with the wrong statistics. The total number of infections of course NEVER go down. But that simple math fact is lost to the innumerate. We never see the moving average “rates of new infections” nor do we see the recovery figures. Only the ever increasing number of infections and death. Until the Dems win the election.
So you can’t read a x axis and slope of a graph?
Recovery statistics ? Or are you as innumerate as CNN?
I was referring to rate of infection the most informative stat (once we determined disease could cause critical or major risk is a none 0.0% chance) that you mentioned, you know the derivative of infections over time.
You claimed “ratings driven MSM ” never show the moving average “rates of new infections” I presented you with a “ratings driven MSM” chart that you can easily perceive the “rates of new infections” that I am sure similar charts all over the place. Though guess you innumerate or just a hyper partisan hack and shift to your motte augment .
Now you’re hanging your hat on the most meaningless statistic by itself of recovery rate (unless it 100.00% rounding to that accuracy) and also happens to be one of the most challenging to be accurate on, along with most susceptible to changing drastically with availability/access to medical care. Also leaves out the condition of recovered damaged lungs or increased stroke risks I would not exactly call fully recovered.
Recovery Rate also would also be the most confusing for the mostly innumerate audience. They haven’t hidden the fact that most people recover. But say it 99.0% recovery (its not it worse at the moment) that would sound good to most people but is still terrible with adding a million infections in 17 days so 10k dead in 17 days. 34 days and it 20k deaths nearly the “Debacle” Obama had with the swine flu over ~120 days and oh wait we now have 165k dead over 190 days. We get the whole population infected and that 3 million dead.
What next you going to tell me the United States has the top recovery rate in the world? Leaving out we have among top infection rate per capita?
We really don’t know the numbers in China so we shouldn’t boast about the most.
Recovery rate wouldn’t be meaningless to me if I was sick with it.
You think people should investigate the statistics for themselves rather than rely on reporting? If so, I agree. It is important to go look at the numbers for yourself, especially the numbers for where you live. Additionally, you might have to download the source data the calculate the important numbers that are not reported by your local and state governments.
We deserve a better media but it doesn’t exist right now.
Also, your link supports the paragraph you criticize.
It’s terrible. We have gone months and months into this pandemic and that graph stubbornly refuses to decrease! <:-/
The people won’t rebel. They’ll ignore and forget to pay any fines.
That’s a healthy early stage rebellion. Kinetic lead comes when the tyrants try to enforce their nonsense dictates.
My main disagreement with the article is that I have never wanted to spend time with people who are sick and/or unhygienic. I have yet to meet a person whose company is worth a bout of flu.
It would be interesting to compare the present situation to the four years of WW2. Strict rationing, monitored speech, censored news, high taxes, few consumer goods and for those of draft age a good chance to die in combat or tropical disease. Somehow my parents survived.
The enemy was well defined back then and there was a sense of shared sacrifice. There was at least less appearance of the war being managed for political benefit. Put another way, I know people who are convinced that COVID will essentially disappear as an issue starting on November 4th. Cynical? Sure, but there’s a lot to be cynical about.
I think that even if the Dems win in November, they will continue the drumbeat of attacks on Trump right on through the inauguration. And beyond, as well, for as long as he’s a useful scapegoat, though they’ll gradually fade.
I’ve been thinking that portraying this as shared sacrifice where we must take risks in order to keep society functioning is what should be happening. That would make people feel virtuous for going to work rather than virtuous for staying home or starting fights with someone trying to eat a burrito while not wearing a mask.
One of the things going on is the equation of illness with moral turpitude. You got the wuflu because you didn’t wear a mask, didn’t stay six feet away, may have held or, even worse, expressed a regressive opinion. Drug dependence and alcoholism are purely medical conditions, outside of the victim’s control. An aficionado of the grotesque, from a safe vantage point, could ask Fauci why contact tracing for an airborne widely prevalent disease like wuflu is appropriate while doing the same for HIV/Aids, spread only through particular actions isn’t and watch him tie himself in knots.
Another is the impending collapse of mass media. They are spending their credibility like a drunken sailor on a spree. The difference being that the sailor runs out of money and sobers up to rejoin his ship until the next port. The media isn’t getting any more once they lose it. They’re registering “impressions” like mad with every exaggeration and distortion, dreading the day wuflu goes away and they will have to find something else to tout. At the same time, every day, a few more people realize that consuming null information is not just a waste of time, it’s actually harming them.
The impact of this virus has been significantly blunted due to various social distancing methods. So, we are not seeing the true reality of this pandemic had it been treated like a typical flu (i.e. do practically nothing). But we do have an idea of what that would be like by looking at those areas which were hard hit prior to them understanding that they were being hit hard. That includes Italy, Spain, New York, etc. Those situations saw ICUs overwhelmed beyond what one typically has during a flu season.
Yet the Navy medical ships sent to those areas, as well as the temporary hospital facilities set up in the parks, went unused. There has been a tremendous amount of conflicting information throughout this event.
Add to that the fear mongering over ventilators where Trump was attacked for not traveling back in time to make more of them and while providing an adequate amount of them was hit with not providing enough.
Our media are terrible. They do this on purpose and people know it. This is why no one trusts them, even if they do say something correct.