This cat discovering that it has ears is absolutely the best thing I will see today.
— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) July 16, 2020
13 thoughts on “And Now For Something Completely Different”
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Oh great, now Rand is positing cat videos. Well it can’t hurt to watch.
Moments later, wiping tears from his eyes, “Honey you have to come watch this video”.
Better at home then in the office.
Awwwwww – what a precious-paws. 😀
Link distributed to various friends, nieces etc.
I’m not sure it is discovering its ears or recognizing that is indeed itself in that mirror.
Maybe we are all cats in vats, and there is no mirror.
That’s what gets me about the video. Cats aren’t supposed to be able to do that. They usually see it as another cat in their territory.
I keep hearing things like that, but I think it’s nonsense put out by cat haters. I’ve never had a cat that doesn’t recognize itself in the mirror. If that was really the case, a cat would get in a fight with the cat it saw in a pool of water. I think evolution would have bred that out many millennia ago.
Birds have been around a lot longer, but we had a damn red bird that kept attacking our windows throughout April and May.
Be that as it may, I’ve had many cats, and never had one that attacked itself in a mirror.
“What the hell? I’m not a hooman?”
The longer version on YT shows the the amazes glance back to the person filming the video, “You knew about this?”
Amazed, even. Argle fargle autocorrect.