Watch a woman break down while reading mail from Trump.
Meanwhile, dispatches from the “autonomous zone” in Seattle. These people have no sense of irony whatsoever.
[Update a few minutes later]
“Build that wall!” says…Antifa?
[Update a few more minutes later]
Yes, don’t make them martyrs to a leftist cause.
[Update a few minutes later]
Defund the police, and let slip the dogs of anarchy.
[Update a few minutes later]
CHAZ gains its first feudal warlord.
And more thoughts on revolutions and irony, from VDH.
I’m in support of letting CHAZ live or die on its own. Don’t retake, deal, or trade with the territory.
The interesting thing will be how they prevent those in the CHAZ from leaving. I’d be tempted to suggest those in the CHAZ lose US citizenship and passports, but it won’t be long before they become stateless people. Maybe we can insist Canada accept them as refuges?
They’re not a part of Seattle, or the state of Washington, or the nation of the United States of America, all by their own admission. The word for such things is secession and we had a war to settle that issue. These people have no sense of history.
Reviewing comments, I note I skipped between two lines of thoughts. I’m curious what the CHAZ warlord will do as people get tired of him, get hungry, or get sick with COVID and want to go home. Considering how upset they are getting with graffiti, might they build a different kind of wall, like the one Antifa built after taking over fascist Germany?
Regardless of how the leave, these people, that I agree choose to be secessionists, need to be managed. The normal thing is just to send them to prison, although I suspect Club Fed will be better than the State Pen they were released from earlier. Hanging will likely not be acceptable for those wishing to look good to the International Community. So treat them as refuges and send them out. Anyone leaving CHAZ with a foreign passport not reading “CHAZ” needs to be treated as a spy or terrorist.
Regarding Irony, or “what have you been drinking?”, headline at FoxNews right now:
“Mayor Lightfoot mulls property tax hikes amid fear of post-rioting exodus”
You really can’t make this shit up.
And yet you have former chairmen of the joint chiefs of staff like Colin Powell claiming that the presidents is moving away from the Constitution. As if he/they don’t know about the 1807 Insurrection Act.
In other words…the Presidential doesn’t/does depending on the source have the legal authority to put down said insurrection even though the whole thing is allegedly his fault. These were the same people who months earlier declared that the president didn’t have a the legal authority to deploy the military to stop a mass caravan from entering the country illegally from Mexico. In other words a mass caravan could forcibly enter the country and only hugely out-numbered LEO and ICE officers could by their understanding be used to push them back and or maintain order. Of course then (and now) the resulting chaos of not (allegedly “illegally”) calling up the military would be all Trumps’ fault; why he should be impeached/voted out of office or something.
I don’t remember seeing Colin Powell since he lied us into the war in Iraq with his fake WMDs.
“I don’t remember seeing Colin Powell since he lied us into the war in Iraq with his fake WMDs.”
Yes….lied under orders (Bush’s).
He has been in the news lately as in the last few days:
“Colin Powell: President Trump has drifted away from the Constitution”
Neither Powell or Bush “lied” about the WMDs in Iraq.
Sadam Hussein definitely had them (chemical weapons) at some point; after all he used them against the Kurds when they rose up at Bush senior’s urging at the end of the Gulf War. Don’t recall what happened to them afterwards; something about them being send to another country I seem to remember. Believe it was the alleged “yellow cake” Uranium he supposedly had that was used as the primary excuse for the Iraq war.
They pulled hundreds of tons of yellowcake out of iraq and found a lot of chemical weapons. In my bookmarks, I have 3-4 articles on the subject from NBC, Wired, and the NYT. Why is it that there were only 3-4 articles rather than the thousands the subject merited?
It goes back to Trump fights. Bush didn’t fight fir the information to get out. He got suckered by some PR people. Perhaps the same ones that wrote his statment parroting BLM.
The irony is delicious:
They are building……a wall.
They are using that wall to keep certain groups of people out.
They are sporting semi-automatic rifles in town – I suspect that is illegal but don’t know for sure. At any rate they sure utilize the 2A.
Their communism has meant that they have no food:
To each – according to their need.
From each?…..nothing.
I agree with those who say they should not be helped and should not be bargained with.
I am concerned, though, with those people stuck in the gulag who want no part of it but have businesses there into which they’ve poured their lives. Somehow they need to be helped.
Washington is open cary. Nothing illegal about walking around with guns. I didn’t see any law breaking in that regard but I’m not a lawyer.
The media isn’t freaking out like they do when 2a folks protest against Jim Crow laws for gun owners.
Open carry of semi-automatic rifles allowed?
If we wanted to end this we’d kill the feed to a handful of cell towers and watch them all scatter like ants while staring intently at their signal bars, because if they can’t post about their virtue, they are lost.
But we’re not going to do that because it’s even more fun to use an FBI Stingray to intercept all their cell phone communications to let them self-incriminate. 18 USC §2383 carries ten years federal prison and bars a person from ever holding public office, and there’s nothing state or local law can do about that.
The mayor and governor are probably in pretty close contact with the rebels, so make of that what you will.
* I’d be commenting more but I’m having too much fun trolling these moron and their enablers.
The only problem with killing the cell, water, and power feeds is that all the innocent people in that area would suffer too. Some of them may have medical issues., If they can’t call out there may be no way to get them to a hospital.