4 thoughts on “Community College”

  1. If I had to do it all over again I would do my first 2 years at a Community College.

    And my tuition at the University of Florida in 1972 was about $200 a quarter.

  2. “I am now a sociology major” and “After graduation she plans to start her career as an academic counselor.”

    If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

  3. It pays to pick the “right” community college. Both of my sons attended Harford Community College in Maryland. Nevertheless, when people ask them where they went to college, they can both honestly reply “Harford.”

    If you say it right, it confers a greater status…

  4. It does allow students to skip a lot of the indoctrination classes that students are forced to take their first two years at four year schools. Going through a community college program prior to a four year will also teach a lot of practical skills that four year colleges don’t teach because they think everyone just learns on job.

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