De Blasio

The blood on his hands. It’s stiff competition, but he’s probably the worst mayor in America, running its largest city. But then Garcetti is no prize, either.

[Afternoon update]

He threatens to round up Jews who don’t obey his orders.

[Thursday-morning update]

Blame Bill de Blasio.


5 thoughts on “De Blasio”

  1. I don’t see a lot of comments here. I know it is hard for me to say anything, because it is NYC. I doubt NYC will come to its senses and vote out De Blasio. I don’t even think he’d lose the majority of the Jewish votes. I often think the same with the posts about California and Newsom. My best response is where I live, which is neither of those places.

    However, we do have Judge (honorary title for the head of county) Lena Hidalgo and her foolishly short lived stupidity of requiring masks be worn over the next 30 more days or face $1000 fine. Alas, her efforts were stomped on from below by the police union and above by the Governor. No one see’s her winning re-election now that straight ticket by party voting has been removed from the ballot.

    Back to De Blasio, he was dumb to call out a group by its identity, but this is the thing about identity politics and politicians; it is all they do. Even worse is that 5 days earlier, he was telling Muslims that he was sending hundreds of thousands of Halal meals for pickup at just 32 locations frequented by Muslims. It is hard to know if he is pandering to Muslims or convincing them to gather in large groups to infect each other. I would have thought pandering until De Blasio wrote his comments about Jews. It isn’t hard to spin it as De Blasio trying to tough love protect the Jews and secretly convince Muslims to spread a dangerous disease amongst themselves. Maybe he even tainted the meals like a Tuskegee experiment.

  2. Kind of off-topic here, but Rand was discussing here some time aways back about why an emergency rescue unit used the Caduceus, the staff of Hermes, as a symbol instead of Ascopleus’s staff.
    It is probably because Hermes is also the god of travelers, which is what ambulance drivers, while Ascopleus being the god of medicine is more appropriate for the hospitals proper.
    – Fast flights and happy landings.

  3. Forcing nursing homes to take Wuhan Flu patients is/was pretty bad and so is/was keeping the subways running.

  4. There has to be some reason that 5% of all reported cases (and deaths) globally of COVID-19 are in New York City. It’s Trump, right?

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