4 thoughts on “It’s The End Times”

  1. The article quoted Dr. Birx, “South Korea’s testing was 11 per 100,000 [people], and we are at 17 per 100,000” which is clearly incorrect as that would imply only 51,000 tests total administered in the US. The correct figures are actually 11 per 1,000 and 17 per 1,000.

    I first assumed the article misquoted Dr. Birx, but I found the clip and the quote is accurate; Dr. Birx misspoke.

    (Just a numerical observation which doesn’t impact the narrative of the article.)

    1. So the crazies have been raving about the great job South Korea has done with testing and they only tested 1.1% of the population? I find our 1.7% tested to be very low in order to know enough to make good decisions.

  2. It wasn’t much of an apology but is still rather significant. Maybe the reporter will draw a connection between testing more people and more people testing positive.

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