13 thoughts on “Good Riddance”

  1. While I hope the SOB is dead, his replacement may be even worse according to a coworker who is an intel specialist in the Army Reserves. May he have died in pain, the rat bastard.

    1. But maybe they’ll get in the habit of replacing leaders. Getting better leaders is hard, getting higher turnover is much easier.

  2. Wonder what sort of near death experience someone like that has. Remember reading an account of Stalin’s death throes from his daughter Svetlana; at the end he opened his eyes and (according to her) seem to be looking in anger/terror at something unseen above his head. Afterwards he looked at all the onlookers clustered around him pointing his finger first at the unseen something above his head and then at them. As if he was calling down some kind of curse or something on them. And then (according to her) his “soul”, “spirit” whatever seem with some final effort to wrest itself from the flesh and he died. She (Svetlana) said she was haunted by that experience for the rest of her life.

  3. China killed Kim Jong-Uns’ brother, who strayed from the Communist plantation. Jim Jong-Un himself has now been killed by China (How dare you Western devils accuse us!). Next up: another China-controlled puppet.

    If Kim Jong-Un is actually dead, China tariffs should go to the moon.

  4. If Kim is in an unrecoverable condition, and I read his kids are young, will baby sister take over?

  5. The Schrodinger leader. It’s illegal to open the box. There are no more dear leaders only interpreters to the immortal. Food and waste are routinely rotated through the box but examining the contents if either after removal earns you an appointment with the O end of an anti aircraft gun.

    1. It will be up to the immortal’s entangled sister and her family to present the will of the immortal as the de/incoherent state policy to the masses. You see its all very scientific, befitting a modern state.

  6. I hope his sister takes over, because it’s way past time for a woman to lead a paranoid totalitarian psycho dictatorship. #NKgirlPower

  7. Is there any truth to the rumor that Little Rocket Man adopted St.Hillary! as his daughter and heir? I hope it’s true because then she’d finally be able to rule a country worthy of her talents and disposition.

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