
Bernie’s press secretary says that 500M American go bankrupt each year.

I think that’s the same number that Sleepy Joe says are killed by gunshot. Are they shooting themselves after going bankrupt, or what? And how can there even be that many when we were all killed by the end of Net Neutrality and the Trump tax cuts?

[Update mid-afternoon]

Why can’t “liberals” do arithmetic?

Partly, I think, because they are not in fact liberals.

14 thoughts on “Bankruptcies”

  1. 500M is a bit much, but I think all these people pushing “flattening the curve” will soon be declaring bankruptcy when they realize just how many people can’t go two weeks without producing income.

  2. 500M American go bankrupt each year.

    Maybe he means mentally. As in, “And every single one of them will vote for us!!!”

    I wonder how far down in the cemeteries they’ll need to dig to find them all.

  3. They are free to spew literally any numbers (well, except for those killed by gun violence in large cities) because the media/democratic party – but I repeat myself – will simply not call them on these issues.

    Let Trump be wrong by a single number, well then you will see that on the ‘news’ 24/7.

  4. If Bloomberg would just give us all a million dollars each, we could avoid the entire problem.

    1. A million dollars doesn’t actually go as far as you think, these days, and if each of us was just given a million dollars, it would go much less far.

  5. Rand, Mr. Biden told us there have been 150 million shooting deaths in the U.S. since 2007, meaning there have been only a little more than 10 million shooting deaths/year.

    Mr. Sanders is claiming 500 million bankruptcies/year. The bankruptcy rate is much, much higher than the rate of shooting deaths.

  6. Assuming QPJ is their candidate and he loses in the general. I’m expecting the Democrats to point out that Joe would have won the election had all those 150 million killed by the AR-14 been able to vote (instead of just those in Cook Co. Illinois).

  7. Some other numbers:

    Price today of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline at Kwik Trip in Wisconsin: $1.79.

    Price of a gallon of milk at the WalMart in Beaver Dam, WI — 2%, 1%, skim or 1% chocolate-flavored: $1.79.

    A roll of toilet paper: Priceless!

  8. I had to go to DMV yesterday to get my plate sticker, so stopped by the grocery story. Oddly, the shelves were full except for the fresh chicken in the meat case. That was cleaned out.

  9. Has it every occurred to you right-wingers that both Sanders and Biden are right? Those 150 million American killed by gunfire are having to declare bankruptcy twice a year, which adds up to 500 million a year.


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