Joe Biden:
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 28, 2020
“I’m looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate.”
14 thoughts on “Dementia Joe”
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At least he caught himself making the same gaffe he did during one of the earlier debates. Well, it was slightly different but close enough.
It looks like Joe Biden just won his first caucus or primary in his third attempt at running for president. The voters of South Carolina had the choice between a man who has been known as “Slow Joe” long before his current apparent dementia and a communist “democratic socialist.” It must have been a tough decision.
If the stream of incoherent gibberish issuing from his mouth for the last 35+ years hasn’t put you off voting for him, what would dementia change.
The significance is that it might portend Saunders managing to roll into the Democratic convention with a high plurality, but not a majority. This sets up the so called “brokered convention”; meaning that likely Bloomberg would be lobbying (bribing) the super-delegates into his camp. Stealing the nomination from Commie Saunders.
Should that happen, I am of about a 55% pro opinion that Bernie would split from the party and go it alone as a third party. Remember he is a DINO having originally run as an Independent Senator from Vt that causes with the Democrats. Since this election is realistically Bernie’s last weekend, I don’t think he’ll put up with a snub this time and take his marbles with him.
My bet would be 90%. If Bernie was a regular pol, he could be bought off with a cabinet job although I shudder to think what it might be. He’s a true believer and won’t settle for half measures.
This would be vastly more amusing if it didn’t foreshadow the Republican 2024 circus already under way. There is sure no shortage of Republicans convinced that they are the salvation of the nation.
Another amusing thing is that Steyer paid more than $3,000 per vote for one total delegate. Bloomberg may not have enough money after all.
“This would be vastly more amusing if it didn’t foreshadow the Republican 2024 circus already under way. There is sure no shortage of Republicans convinced that they are the salvation of the nation.”
Well if you are in the mood to be “amused” consider this hypothetical; what if the Republicans retake the House of Representatives and retain/expand their hold on the Senate? Then they decide to repeal the 22nd Amendment? The one limiting how many terms a President can run; I believe many state houses are also held by the GOP as well. They could conceivably pull off the repeal maybe. Imagine how Dem/main stream media heads/Academia heads’ would collectively explode if Trump runs/wins a third term?
You need a supermajority of both Congress and states to repeal an amendment. That seems quite unlikely.
Such legal arcana didn’t stop NY and CA from ignoring the Second Amendment, didn’t stop the FBI/CIA from ignoring the Fourth Amendment and breaking numerous statutes (and brag on television about breaking those laws and getting away with it).
If Trump has enough armed organized men (military, police, veterans, gun owners) to back him, he can ignore term limits and run again in 2024 or pass off the Presidency to his sons.
Oh I forgot to include the priestly side of the equation… packing the courts will help provide priestly cover for Trump’s warriors. As much as earlier court packing provided cover for NY and CA’s violations of the Second Amendment. And D.C. jury and judge packing helped dirty FBI cops get away with their violations of the Fourth Amendment and numerous statutes.
“Such legal arcana didn’t stop NY and CA from ignoring the Second Amendment, didn’t stop the FBI/CIA from ignoring the Fourth Amendment and breaking numerous statutes (and brag on television about breaking those laws and getting away with it).”
Or the way both parties ignore the Constitution to enact civil asset forfeiture; by which a citizen can have their money, property etc. seized by law enforcement on merely the suspicion they acquired said personal property in some unspecified vague unlawful way without due process being observed. You know the part where you have to be arrested, tried, convicted & sentenced & then they get to deprive you of life, liberty and property.
Of course your examples were done conspicuously by Democrats; if Trump is what you seem to be implied why bother with “run again in 2024 “? He need merely martial your alleged “armed organized men (military, police, veterans, gun owners)” and declare himself president-for-life.
Not likely to be 38 and I would hope Trump would have more sense. Anything he can’t accomplish in 8 years probably won’t happen in 12. It would be time for someone else. Probably legal problems with making it apply to a sitting President.
Yes a long shot indeed; but suppose we don’t limit it to 3 concurrent terms just more than two in total? Suppose someone else wins POTUS in 2024. Nonetheless the Republican controlled super majority (hypothesized) manages to pass the repeal in Congress. It slowly meanders through the state legislatures and also in the mean time our 2024 elected POTUS is very unpopular, so much so that Trump nostalgia takes hold. They manage to get the repeal done in the state houses in time for Trump to run in 2028 and he wins; thus a third term just not concurrent. Kind of what Teddy Roosevelt attempted unsuccessfully to do (admittedly before the 22nd amendment).
If they had all three, it would be good to see them doing something useful for a change but I don’t hold out much hope, just cutting up the pork in a slightly different way.