We watched "Die Hard" for the very first time last night. My verdict: It's a Christmas movie, but a pretty loud, explodey and shooty one.
— Proud Malarkey Flinger (@Rand_Simberg) December 22, 2019
12 thoughts on “Die Hard”
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Or is it a Western? Yippee-kye-aye!
Is that the one that goes:
“Yippee – kye – aye Mother fu–WHAMMM!” ?
If Die Hard is a Christmas movie (and I think it is), then so is Lethal Weapon.
Gremlins is another good Christmas movie.
It’s placing pretty high in some newspaper website’s online poll about favorite Christmas movies, from what I hear.
It’s just not Christmas around our house until Hans Gruber falls off the Nakatoni Tower!
Home Alone is mine. Love what the young’un did with the basement stairs, doorknob and glass tree decorations.
Now you’re ready to watch Season 3, Episode 4 of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It’s titled The Gang Gets Held Hostage.
You might want to watch a few random episodes before this one, just to get the hang of the series. It’s about the worst possible human beings routinely topping themselves in doing bad things. It’s hilarious.
Welcome to the party, pal!
I wish I got a machine gun for Christmas… ho ho ho
You’ll put your eye out.
It’s sad to see how cheap machineguns are in Canada and not be allowed to buy one. Though I probably couldn’t afford the ammo anyway.