Yes, of course they bond with their owners.
Ember is almost a year old now (how time flies) and he’s almost like a dog in his desire for affection. Ashe is a little more aloof, but she likes to be on my lap while I work.
[Tuesday-morning update]
Per requests in comments, here are some pics. These are the kittens on the stairs, a few days after we got them at Christmas. Ashe is on the left, and we didn’t know that Ember (who was smaller at the time) was a boy. [Bumped]

These are from January.

And February.

And the little angels in March. The box is from Naked Wines, and the wings are their logo. It was their idea to get in it.

And here they are, same day, on their window shelf in Patricia’s office.

And a more recent pic, from July. You can’t tell because of the perspective, but he is now bigger than she is, outweighing her by about four pounds. I don’t have anything more recent handy, but I could grab one with the phone.

We haven’t seen any pictures of them in a while.
It’s a common stereotype that dogs bond strongly with their owners and are highly dependent on them, while cats are aloof and independent—and therefore exhibit weaker attachment to their humans.
No one thinks this. This isn’t a stereotype. Someone got paid by a college to do a study off a false premise. Stuff like this are exactly why science shouldnt be put on a pedestal where practitioners can rule other’s lives by decree.
Lighting money on fire is bad for the environment and there are starving people in LA and Seattle.
Yes cat pix, please.
Stories like this make me miss the little guys we had. Decided to not have cats for the time being due travel etc.
Thanks, Rand. They sure are cute!
They look very content.
They are very content, and adorable. He’s a lover. He was the runt of the litter, we think, but we had no idea he’d get so big. They still love to wrestle with each other, but not as much as they did when they were younger. They’ll be a year old in a month or so, and graduating to adult food, which will make it easier to find food for them.
Oh, they’re very cute. 🙂
They look like they love the cat furniture. It took mine over two years to realize that the tall carpeted thing was an ideal place to curl up and sleep. If I hadn’t put it in front of a window with trees just outside he probably wouldn’t have figured it out.
We could not have imagined when we adopted them how great they’d turn out. Especially him, who we thought was a her.
And they love that cat tree. It’s their favorite thing, and it was only eighty bucks. They don’t fight over who is on top, but they occasionally like to fight on it. The most cost-effective toys we get them are boxes that other stuff, including their stuff, comes in. They also love playing in grocery bags.
One day mine took a short run and tried stopping on an empty plastic grocery bag that was laying on the carpet. After the first accidental sleigh ride, he did it five or six more times. ^_^
Many years ago I was packing some stuff into a box to ship UPS and left the room briefly to get address labels or something. When I returned and started taping up the box, my at the time young daughter said, “Wait! She’s in the box!” I opened the box and sure enough, she had hopped in. I was haunted for quite a while at what almost happened. Close call. She was with us for 16 years. I still miss her.
The last pic, those halfway open eyes. Always seem to say “Whatcha’ doing?”
I often visit sites where ham equipment is sold. The Universal Radio site has a section dedicated to pictures of the reader’s cats. Just cats.
Weeks ago, I participated in an on-line survey on the right-dog-for-you.
It could suggest none.
I’ve always had to bury cats.
So many lost friends.
Not only are these photos adorable, they reminded me to let my cat in from the back yard before I left the house. Thanks.