8 thoughts on “Commercial Space Hearing”

  1. Things with hopping at SpaceX yesterday. Maybe its time to start asking, in Congress, why we have NASA structured the way we do.

    1. Starting with the redefinition of the first ‘A’ back to ‘Advisory’ and removal of the ‘SA’ and put back in ‘CA’, with the CA redefined from Committee on Aeronautics to Commission on Aerospace.

      The Commission would do exactly that. Commission private industry to provide space stations, lunar and mars bases, with minimal interference and no cost-plus awards. Private contractors must be able to deliver on their bids or fall on their swords. Let a few die (including some big names from Old Space) and things will shape up quickly.

        1. That nobody wants to invest in making another Thiokol is a problem the Air Force will have to deal with. Or be happy with a single supplier.

  2. Congressman Waltz’s throwaway comment of “…of course safety first.” made me cringe. Safety first means stay home and don’t bother. How about a new watch phrase? I’d suggest “stupid last”.

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