Never Trump

There’s now a web site. ~35,000 people have signed the pledge so far.

I’m very unlikely to vote for Trump, but I don’t want to take a pledge.

[Update a while later]

A righteous rant from Ace:

Sasse’s point is that much of America didn’t choose these two, and that part of America is not duty-bound to follow the folly of others. If there are still things permitted to be done — like run a third party challenge — why should they not be done?

The usual math on this is that a third party run would be disastrous and would deliver the election to Hillary. Many #NeverTrumpers, and I’m edging into that group myself, find this a weak objection in this case: Trump himself will inevitably be demolished, so there’s no threat of “throwing the election.” It already has been thrown.

Second, Trump represents an very stupid and dangerous form of authoritarianism. Everything with him is force and bullying. Riots at the convention if he doesn’t get his way. His online trolls actively threatening people’s physical safety.

I don’t get it — I’m supposed to be outraged by Lois Lerner, yet amused by this? Why? Because this will only be visited upon my enemies? First, that’s not principled, that’s just stupid tribalism,, and second, it’s not true — the gentle persuasions of authoritarian You Will Be Made to Buckle are already being visited on us, and by “us,” I mean non-Democrats.

I personally didn’t oppose the thuggishness of the left just to be bullied by a new thuggishness of the alt-right.

If Sasse was on the ballot, I’d likely vote for him.

13 thoughts on “Never Trump”

  1. Never Hillary.

    Exposing State Dept. / National Security information via a wildly inscecure, non-government, computer server set up in her bathroom? Every American should recoil from this traitor.

  2. Count me in the NeverHillary camp as well, as things stand now.

    I’d also like to note that while I don’t agree with NeverTrump, I understand it. Once the race began last summer, I was already certain I would never, under any circumstances, vote for Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio. Had they been the nominee, I would not vote for them. If either of them is on the ticket as Trump’s VP, I will not vote for it.

    I’ll also note that the metrics are different for those that vote in non-swing-states. They are far more free to make a protest vote.

  3. As soon as the GOP had 12 viable candidates they should have switched to the Alternative Vote method of voting. Where you pick your rank the candidates you like (or don’t if you don’t like them). But that would have given Cruz too much chance to win, and no matter what, they did NOT want a tea party winner.

    1. Yep, nothing at all suspicious about a website for a US election that’s registered in Auckland, New Zealand. Surely no shenanigans at play here… right? right?

  4. “Trump himself will inevitably be demolished”

    I have seen similar statements made for damn near a year now. Trump not only proved the naysayers wrong in the primary, he is on track to get more primary votes than anyone who has ever run as a Republican, EVER.

    So here’s my prediction: not only will Trump win, he’ll be approaching Reagan’s 49 state record.

    1. –So here’s my prediction: not only will Trump win, he’ll be approaching Reagan’s 49 state record.–

      It hard to predict whether Trump wins, but if wins it has good chance
      of being landslide.
      I think the republican should view Trump as releasing the Kraken.
      The main problem for republicans is they should focus on regaining the Congress and see if they can add to their majority.
      So they should think of Trump as unpredictable wrecking ball, which homes in on what attacks it.
      So republicans have selected their champion, and they don’t have to like their champion. And focus on having a congress which will check the power of whoever is elected into office- or have congress critters
      do their job.
      Republican should not fear the Kraken, though they should get in it’s way. Meanwhile, one can expect the lefties to be terrified by the Kraken, and we will see how much they can throw against it- hopefully hundreds of millions of dollars. And lefties fleeing to Canada. Canadians need lots of lefties as have elected a wonderful Lefty.

      Now, republican can try to dress Trump up a “true conservative” but it would be huge waste of time and energy- and normally one doesn’t try
      to do this with any republican candidate running in the general, instead they try to be more centrist.
      Instead the republicans place on the ballot that Trump the republican candidate as centrist or moderate or independent label attached to him. Or/and promote him as outsider {the public has high favorable towards an outsider in either party. Plus emphasize any republican Congress critter as a insider [if they want and is applicable] or they have had some experience and success [list whatever they are] dealing with Obama who vaguely resembles a Kraken- nasty little Kraken which plays lots of golf..
      So in terms of Trump I like idea of having a team of insiders, and they could go out on trail give wonkish talks about policy to anyone who wants to listen to that kind of stuff. And explain how Clinton or Bernie policies will not work- which should be quite easy.
      So if republican organized it in a good way, one could easily get landslide for presidential and Congressional.
      But republican are known to be quite stupid. Also Clinton may fail before the Dem convention.
      In as rule, republicans should do it differently than they done it in the past and paint dems as people who favor the failed and tired ideas of socialism.

  5. Trump himself will inevitably be demolished, so there’s no threat of “throwing the election.”

    BS to justify a bad decision. The media will be protecting Hillary and Trump is the only one that has been able to blow through the media.

  6. C’mon Rand, you, like me, live in Mexifornia & in any statewide election the only votes that count are democrats.

  7. Ben Sasse supports pedophiles. He also ran the Congressional page program that Dennis Hastert took advantage of. Just do a google image search of Ben Sasse.


  8. Trump himself will inevitably be demolished, so there’s no threat of “throwing the election.” It already has been thrown.

    But will Trump be demolished before his second term which is a traditional time for presidential legacies to go to pieces? Predictions about the imminent demolishing of Trump have fallen short so far. It’s not that much a stretch to consider that the imminent demolishing may continue to take longer than expected.

    And why Never Trump but not Never Clinton as others have noticed? Sounds like the Never Trump backers are getting played.

  9. Sometimes, you have to make a deal with the devil live to fight on. To the NeverTrumpers, I would say you are EverDemocrats. Once Hillary gets a Supreme Court majority, it’s going to be well nigh impossible for conservatives to win for a long, long time.

    So, bask in your purity and admire yourself in the mirror if you like. But, don’t come crying to me when you find yourself living your life diminished in a nation you no longer recognize, every waking moment, until you die.

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