
Thoughts from Bob Zimmerman on their increasing disconnect from reality on guns.

[Update a few minutes later]

Related: The Democrats’ compassion gap on terrorism.

They reserve their compassion for the enemy.

[Update a while later]

Here’s an example. Yes, the Obama administration nixed a probe into the California jihadis.

[Update a few minutes later]

And this: Whistleblower says Obama more concerned with rights of Islamists than with protecting the American people. That’s pretty obvious.

5 thoughts on “Democrats”

  1. A liberal co-worker at work (who listens to NPR), was aghast at the shooting and made a big deal of being disgusted.

    The next day, after we all learned it was terrorism, she was quiet. Go figure.

  2. With respect to “The Hill” article:

    1) The Hill is a right-wing publication.
    2) Immigrants and refugees from the Middle East are thoroughly vetted.
    3) There is no such thing as a terrorist.
    4) We need more gun control.
    5) Lalalalalalalalalalalala!

      1. Ah, yes! I stand corrected. At Union Station in Washington DC, the TV screens (or, as George Orwell would have written, “telescreens”) carry travel advisories regarding terrorism. They start and end with the admonition that there are “no suspicious people, just suspicious actions,” and then go on to show various white male people, clearly working class, doing such suspicious things as looking around and making notes, and appearing to measure things, almost as if trying to figure out how much carpet to buy. If I didn’t know better, I would think that they were contractors who were preparing to bid on the next round of upgrades to Union Station. But given the fact that they are white working class males, I have to admit that they are terrorists-in-waiting. After all, haven’t virtually all of the world’s terrorist attacks been by white working-class American males?

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