8 thoughts on “The Lamentations Of The SJWs”

  1. I’ve seen this countless times from college through adulthood. It is the unfortunate juxtaposition of nature and nuture.

    When your body is screaming to settle down with a man and make babies, but your social conditioning is telling you that your biology is wrong (even though you are an evolution evangelist), very, very weird things happen to you. Since the number of millennials is as high as boomers this is probably why it seems so prevalent. In a few years I imagine these girls will be happily pushing around baby strollers.

    And the guys? They’ll do or say anthing to get nookie.

  2. I don’t consider myself a social justice warrior, but I think removing “manned” from our space vernacular is a move in the right direction. My young daughter and I were watching the evening news and coverage of the SpaceX pad abort test came on. The talking head on the TV referred to it as a milestone for “manned spaceflight”, which my daughter heard as “man’s spaceflight”, which she interpreted to mean “no girls allowed”.

    When the topic comes up, I try move the discussion away from human spaceflight vs. manned spaceflight and towards settlement – it’s both inclusive and a worthy space goal.

  3. For the love of God, take those whining SWJ’s out to the creek and drown them…evolution in action.

    As far as spaceflight, if a person isn’t onboard, it’s not as important/exciting as it should be.

    Take your daughter to see The Martian, and then let her know that Mars Needs Women! (who have STEM degrees)

    1. Thanks for the advice. We started reading it aloud last week and I’ve thus managed to restate Mark Watney’s colorful language for a 7 year old.

  4. I liked this post:

    Heh. Mr McCafferty apparently feels that “I hate capitalism. One day we will end it, Meg” is the kind of thing one very much ought to say, and ought to be seen saying, however incongruously. Given the randomness of it, I can only imagine he was hoping to win Meg’s affections.

    But I’ve seen this kind of thing happen before, in person, more than a few times. There are people out there who feel a need to tell you, however inappropriately, that they don’t like sexism or racism, as if somehow you might be a huge fan, or that they don’t like markets and capitalism (regardless of how well they understand such things or whether they have in mind an alternative that isn’t monstrous, ruinous or remotely credible). I can think of several occasions when someone interjected in this way, ostentatiously, and with no obvious relevance to the ongoing conversation. Again, it helps if you think of it as a display.

    Inadvertent comedy aside, it can be quite dreary to be stuck in a conversation with someone you barely know and who, in effect, is continually saying, “Yes, never mind what you’re all talking about, look at me and how nice and caring I think I am. Listen to all the things I disapprove of.”

    1. Cecily Strong has a Saturday Night Live Character called “The Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started A Conversation With A Party”. Kind of reminds me of your last paragraph. As with most things SNL, the sketch is hit-or-miss.

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