I know it’s a day late, but I agree with Kevin Williamson: We don’t need this quasi-Canadian crypto-communist holiday.
I don't consider Labor Day flag worthy.
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) September 7, 2015
I know it’s a day late, but I agree with Kevin Williamson: We don’t need this quasi-Canadian crypto-communist holiday.
I don't consider Labor Day flag worthy.
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) September 7, 2015
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Truly not flag worthy, however I’ll take the free day off work. I got a lot done around the house. If you just ignore the “labor” in labor day it is actually a pretty nice holiday. The weather is usually pretty good this time of year where I live and the best part is that I don’t feel obligated to go anywhere, do anything or visit anyone. Heck I don’t even have to buy presents. (Unlike, Memorial day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.) It’s just a nice “do whatever you want” holiday. So I added some shelves and a new counter top in the laundry room while my wife watched a movie, took a nap, then called in for pizza for dinner. Perfect.
Kevin Williamson is fast becoming my favorite writer. He uses language exquisitely, and is profoundly thoughtful. I don’t always agree with him, by any means, but am always challenged by him when I don’t.
This is more light-hearted. His previous article, on that makes American labor great, is more positive. Sorry, don’t have a link, but it’s NR from last Friday or so.
Today’s labor unions are nothing more than a pork fest for government workers.
But half of today’s union movement works in government-sector jobs. A movement formed to defend blue-collar laborers now fights primarily to help white-collar workers expand government.
Why are we celebrating a day from those who steal from us?
Okay, so you don’t like Labor Day. How about the standard 8 hour workday, or the 40 hour work week, or the concept of ‘weekends’? Worker safety regulations? How about child labor laws — are those worthwhile? Are they ‘crypto-communist’?
With the exception of child labor, those are up to the employer, not the government.
Good little serf, Dave. Now run along and play with the rubber bones your masters throw you.
With the exception of child labor, those are up to the employer, not the government.
So you don’t have a problem with an employer requiring — not just allowing, but requiring — that an employee work 7 days a week, or 10 hour per day?
That’s not my problem. It’s the employee’s problem. Get another job.
I would argue that those on salary often do work under those conditions. Just ask amazon employees.
I prefer my 9/80 work weeks, but if I could swing it, I would like a 4/40. Fortunately, I live in a right to work state, and can negotiate these things with my employer directly.
Dave, what do you think about medical personnel working 12 hour shifts without holidays or weekends off? Particularly when they have to provide free medical care to illegal aliens that claim a head cold is an emergency, so they can demand care even with no intent to pay?
I vote we change it to ‘Barbecue day’ in honor of finely smoked meats from sea to shining sea.
The ‘summer’ used to be unofficially from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend.
Now, with longer school schedules, Labor Day especially now happens one or even 2 weeks after summer break ends.
It is nice to have a 3 day weekend when the weather is nice, but agree that the ‘Labor’ in Labor Day doesn’t need to be celebrated.