9 thoughts on “Pluto”

  1. Interesting that they leave H.P. Lovecraft out of their list of Pluto fantasists, but then given his disturbing visions of the place (which he called Yuggoth), perhaps that’s no surprise. “There are mighty cities on Yuggoth—great tiers of terraced towers built of black stone… The sun shines there no brighter than a star, but the beings need no light. They have other subtler senses, and put no windows in their great houses and temples…”

    Well, if I lived on Pluto, I would probably skip the windows, too.

    I don’t spend much time thinking about Pluto, either, but I am looking forward to what New Horizons sends us.

  2. Oh, Rand, don’t get all grumpy now.

    In addition to Lovecraft’s fungi (they were the ones that saved conscious brains in bottles, weren’t they? or was it another mythos writer who added that wrinkle), there’s Heinlein’s “Have Spacesuit, Will Travel.” Who could read that and not see Kip struggling down the walkway to place the beacon, methane stream gurgling under the bridge, with the volcano on the horizon? Classic!

      1. Rand, Grumpy was one of the Seven Dwarves, another Disney reference, although Jeff should have capitalized it.

  3. Don’t Pluto’s human inhabitants figure in John Varley’s universe where Earth humans have been wiped out by ET sea dwellers?

    But I think the “Plutonians'” environment was so artificial, it could’ve been anywhere.

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