Political Correctness

The FBI and DHS thought that an attack in Garland was unlikely.

Because, you know, Religion of Peace™

Actually, I think that we should do a lot more events like that. It seems to be useful honeypot to draw them out.

[Update a while later]

ISIS has declared war on Pam Geller.

I pity the fools.

[Late-morning update]

Kansas City mosque that wanted to ban free speech will give Muslim funeral to one of the perps.

But remember, it has nothing to do with Islam.

[Late-afternoon update]

Judith Miller: The Jihad at home.

12 thoughts on “Political Correctness”

  1. “Although past events involving the alleged defamation of Islam and the prophet, Muhammad, have resulted in threats or overt acts of violence overseas, we have not yet seen such violence in the United States.”


    Have they been living in Bin Laden’s old cave? We have experienced many terrorist attacks in the USA while Obama has been President and thwarted many more.

    Granted Democrat militant activists have done more damage to our country in that time but the threat from Islamic militant groups is real and persistent.

  2. Curious about her Wikipedia entry, I looked up Pamela Geller. Of course she is accused of being Islamophobic.

    Her viewpoints have been described as anti-Islamic or Islamophobic.

    Of course, her viewpoints have also been described as patriotic, but we don’t see that in the first paragraph.

    1. Did you look up the artist that created Piss Christ? Did it mention anti-Christian or Christophobic?

  3. …conduct by Geller as offensive to Muslims.

    Getting your head chopped off or being set on fire are kind of offensive as well. I can see how drawing a cartoon ranks right up there with those.

    Mohammad (piss be upon him) and his followers deserve their virgins. May they all get ’em.

    Why does the media not hear her say her target is not muslims, but islamists? Because they don’t care to hear it? Because they sympathize with evil? Because they are evil themselves?

    1. Why does the media not hear her say her target is not muslims, but islamists?

      Possibly because she doesn’t do that? At all?

      Let me just give you a taste of Geller’s islamophobia:

      Anywhere Muslims immigrate, conflict follows…When tolerant and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, so begins the process of islamization…..At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups…When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions…After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues…From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon…After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing…

      Need we go on…

      1. You’ve just demonstrated your own deafness.

        Muslim has two meanings which you choose to ignore. One is self identification as part of a culture. The other is an adherent to Islam. There is not a clear distinction. They overlap.

        Are you saying she’s factually wrong? No you aren’t. Instead you imply what does not exist as a smear tactic. She has helped more Muslims than you ever will. But continue to play the fool.

      2. Pam Geller has shown pretty well that she does not fear Islam. Perhaps Dave should consider some new label that doesn’t suggest illiteracy on his part. At the very least, it is pretty foolish for a coward like himself to call others phobic.

  4. The FBI and DHS didn’t think an attack was unlikely. They said:

    US-based HVEs remain largely unconnected to each other, and their behaviors are often highly individualized, impeding our ability to predict their reactions with a great deal of confidence.

    And this has been true. Take the worst terror actions during the Obama administration. Fort Hood was a radicalized (and mentally disturbed) individual — difficult to pin him to a larger conspiracy. The Boston bombers were similarly radicalized, but not taking orders from a foreign organization.

    1. Nidal Hasan attended the US mosque in Falls Church, when Anwar al-Awlaki was the Imam there. Now Dave has shown some profound ignorance in his post, so perhaps he is unaware that Hasan continued correspondence with al-Awlaki even after the latter was identified as a militant Islamist. Obama authorized al-Awlaki’s death by drone for his terrorist activities.

      Then there is also the issue of Tamerlane Tsarnaev traveling to Chechnya, where the Russian Intelligence suggested he was receiving training and attempted to warn the US prior to the attack.

    2. “US-based HVEs remain largely unconnected to each other, and their behaviors are often highly individualized, impeding our ability to predict their reactions with a great deal of confidence. “

      And yet the NSA, et al continue to insist on using massive surveillance programs and “metadata” to find other jihadists and predict attacks on home soil, and we the people allow them to do so because it makes us feel “secure”.

      The FBI and DHS have more or less come right out and said that the nature of the enemy is such that the methods used to find them (and also trample our freedoms) are wholly ineffective. Why shouldn’t we dismantle those systems and methods with immediate injunctions?

      That’s a rhetorical question, of course. Even in the face of data showing that reduced CO2 emissions won’t have a measurable effect on global temperatures, we still allow our government to trample our economy with “green” initiatives.

      Who do I talk to about creating such a campaign that creates a call to action and codifies laws requiring attractive young women to seek out middle-aged, balding, single men in the name of “protecting nature” or “security” or some other such tripe?

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