
The Democrats’ Nixon.

Can you imagine what the press would have said if Nixon had said, “I and my lawyers have reviewed all the tapes, and we’ve turned over what we thought was relevant, and burned the rest”?

To add to the irony, if Zeifman could have fired her for lying during Watergate, he would have.

[Update a few minutes later]

A remembrance of Clintons past.

The Clintons and the acceptance by the Democrats (and media) of their criminality and corruption in the nineties determined me to never support a candidate of that party again. I wrote about “that nineties show” a couple years ago.

[Tuesday-afternoon update]

Hillary withheld information from Congress. What should Congress do?

Laws are for the little people, not the Clintons.


4 thoughts on “Hillary”

  1. And some of us will never vote for a Republican or Democratic candidate ever again. Besides being effectively flipsides of the same coin, they’re both thoroughly culpable in the mess they’ve made of our nation. I don’t buy the ‘lesser of two evils’ argument. If I’m going to vote for evil, I’ll throw my lot in with Cthulhu.

    At least if I vote for a Communist for County Treasurer I know that no one would ever let them do anything, an outcome that appeals to my libertarian leanings. Were a Republican to get the position they would just sell it out to their rich friends, while a Democrat would sell it out to their fabulous friends, both outcomes of which I am sick and tired and disgusted.

  2. For literally years we’ve been saying the Benghazi isn’t complete because we’ve never seen the data which was explicitly requested.

    Now we have proof of that:

    “Yet when Clinton’s secret email system was exposed this year, she turned over about 850 never-before-seen pages of Benghazi-related documents to the State Department, which in turn gave them to the House. Those documents had been under a request from Congress since the September 20, 2012 letter. The former secretary of state let more than two years pass before producing the information.”


    So all the yapping and covering for Obama the Statists in here have done was proven to be wholly….wrong.

    And we told them so. They refused – and probably still refuse – to believe it.

  3. Oh, come on, this is a manufactured scandal. We have it on the highest authority: Jim. Nothing to see here, let’s move on (dot org).

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