The Emails And The Clinton Foundation

It’s not two separate scandals, it’s one big hairy one. It makes perfect sense that if she was soliciting foreign funds while secretary of state, she’d not want to do it from a government email account. And those are likely among the ones she hasn’t turned over (among others).

Much of the Clinton criminality in the nineties was similarly intertwined.

[Update a while later]

Huma Abedin, Hillary’s unindicted email co-conspirator.

3 thoughts on “The Emails And The Clinton Foundation”

  1. That’s a very interesting angle. If, indeed, she was soliciting forign funds while SecState, that’d sure explain the private e-mail server.

    It would also be one of the most outlandish corruption schemes I’ve ever heard of, and surely be vastly more illegal than anything Sen Menendez is accused of doing.

    I find the timing of this scandal interesting. It amazes me that the MSM is not ignoring this the way they usually do Dem scandals. That leads me to guess that it’s being pushed by people who are in the D party, at least to a degree. Who would have motive? Anyone thinking of seeking the D nomination. Also, any party higher-ups who either think, or know, that there are more Clinton scandals to come out (I’m sure the Democrats would not be thrilled to have a 2016 campaign that was little more than a series of Clinton scandals.)

    And heh, if 2016 is Clinton vs. Bush, then both candidates will have a history of having set up personal e-mail servers in their residences while in office. Republicans would do well to bear that in mind, especially if the R nominee will be running against Hillary.

    1. “That leads me to guess that it’s being pushed by people who are in the D party, at least to a degree. Who would have motive? Anyone thinking of seeking the D nomination. Also, any party higher-ups who either think, or know, that there are more Clinton scandals to come out (I’m sure the Democrats would not be thrilled to have a 2016 campaign that was little more than a series of Clinton scandals.) ”


      Don’t forget Obama. One doesn’t feel the love between the Obama Court and the Clinton Cohort.

    2. And heh, if 2016 is Clinton vs. Bush, then both candidates will have a history of having set up personal e-mail servers in their residences while in office.

      If Jeb Bush (whom I don’t support) did this, it may have been a violation of Florida state law. Hillary’s actions are almost certainly a violation of federal law. Add in the “pay to play” aspects and it’s even more damning for Hillary.

      Everyone was saying that Hillary was the certain nominee in 2008, only to get knocked off by a nobody first term senator from Illinois. It can certainly happen again. Who knows what is happening behind the scenes? There are those who want Warren, who has said she won’t run if Hillary runs. It could even open the door for someone even less qualified than Barrack Obama – Michelle. Excuse me while I go rinse the vomit out of my mouth for even thinking such a thing.

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