…is contracting toward the U.S. and Israel. It really is seeming like the 1930s all over again, complete with our own Neville Chamberlain in the White House.
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…is contracting toward the U.S. and Israel. It really is seeming like the 1930s all over again, complete with our own Neville Chamberlain in the White House.
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Saddest is American Jews seem to care less about Israeli survival than fundamental christians.
The question is how many fundamentalist Christians actually care about Israel’s survival per se. As I understand it (at least from the few I’ve spoken with about the subject), they mostly hope to keep Israel safe just long enough to get to Armageddon… With friends like that, who needs anti-Semites?
Personally, I think that Netenyahu’s call for Jews to leave Europe for Israel is likely bad all around. Bad for Europe, bad for Jews, and probably even long-term bad for Israel. That said, I can see why Jews would be worried about the status quo in many parts of Europe. I just don’t think that concentrating all of the world’s Jews in a country surrounded by hostile powers and frustrated dispossessed refugees is the brightest idea in the world.
Is there a term for someone who likes Jewish people, and wants to seem them safe and happy, but thinks “Zionism” (creating a Jewish state in Israel) is foolish and counterproductive?
“As I understand it (at least from the few I’ve spoken with about the subject), they mostly hope to keep Israel safe just long enough to get to Armageddon”
I have never met a Christian who thought of Israel this way. Not to say they don’t exist but there probably isn’t very many and it certainly isn’t a religion wide dogma. Fundamentalists are non-denominational so their views will change from church to church and I really don’t know as much about them as I do Protestants and Catholics.
“I just don’t think that concentrating all of the world’s Jews in a country surrounded by hostile powers and frustrated dispossessed refugees is the brightest idea in the world.”
That is why they also come to the USA where when they go to college, there is the chance that Democrat activists will chase them off campus with shouts of Allahu Akbar.
And fundamental Christians are confused by Genesis 12:3 in which God told Abraham He would “bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you; through you all families of the earth will be blessed”
Christians should understand that this particular blessing was delivered when Jesus was born, a direct descendant of Abraham. A lot of preachers instead have twisted this in order to manipulate their congregations into raising money in support of modern day Israel so as to finance their own agendas, and so many Christians are looking to cash in on some kind of special blessing as a result…looking for a reward is not the appropriate motivation for doing good to others.
Jesus turned all that on its head anyway when he said in Matthew 12 in the presence of his mother and siblings that “his brethren” specifically were not his blood/family but instead those who do God’s will. IMHO, Christians should do much more to support those in need from their local communities, rather than remote corners of the planet.
” IMHO, Christians should do much more to support those in need from their local communities, rather than remote corners of the planet.”
The good thing is that we live in the USA so they are free to support whatever charitable causes they want. Churches likely do local work and work abroad. But lets imagine that one Church wants to feed the homeless while one wants to teach job skills to the poor. Both are good and help in different ways. Which one will have better outcomes a decade from now? Who knows? Maybe no one does, which is why is is great that they are free to pursue what they think is important.
Its a lot like capitalism in general where various groups and individuals pursue diverse interests with unequal results but with the sum total effect of improving the areas they are interested in.
“so many Christians are looking to cash in on some kind of special blessing as a result…looking for a reward is not the appropriate motivation for doing good to others.”
Or maybe they are just motivated by wanting to help people who need it.
they mostly hope to keep Israel safe just long enough to get to Armageddon… With friends like that, who needs anti-Semites?
Gotta agree.
A lot of preachers instead have twisted this in order to manipulate their congregations into raising money…
Foretold in the parable of “the wheat and the weeds” as well as “Lord didn’t we do things in your name?” to which Jesus replies “I never knew you.” …and the ear ticklers as well.
Motivations do certainly seem questionable, but doesn’t answer the question of why some work so hard against their own interests?
Bibi seems to be saying, let’s get our eggs in one basket and really guard that basket…
So that I don’t disappoint by leaving out a mars reference… perhaps they should move that basket to mars? Surely Jihad wouldn’t follow them there (considering the Jewish history since leaving the city of UR where Abram’s father was doing pretty well for himself?)
High IQ types in a challenging environment? Nah. It would never work.