A little too close to home in my temporary circumstances of being in a country surrounded by murderous savages and religious fanatics whose Venn diagram has a high overlap, and want to drive its inhabitants into the sea by which I’m staying.
[Tuesday-morning Tel Aviv update]
Sorry, here’s the link. Posted that on ~27 hours sans sleep.
Hi, Rand,
No link. I’m assuming you’re talking about Neo-neocon’s recent post. Ayup, and you’re having to see the consequences of so much wrong thinking here in America up-close-and-personal there in Israel.
Hale Adams
Pikesville, People’s Still-mostly-Democratic Republic of Maryland
I think you are right, here is a link.
From the tone of that I get the impression that you think being wrong would involve dealing with the peoples surrounding Israel as if they are real people, rather than murderous savages.
Israel tried that already. That’s why there’s a country full of enemies in Gaza. Indeed, that is why there are still Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank, instead of the area annexed to Israel, and all of them either swearing a loyalty oath or being moved forcibly to Jordan – the practice of all civilized nations prior to the Age of America. Mistake.
“dealing with the peoples surrounding Israel as if they are real people, rather than murderous savages.”
Real people are murderous savages. Being savage doesn’t make someone less human. IMO, ignoring the savage acts of different peoples makes them less human because it usually comes with a bunch of excuses for their behavior and a strong dose of they are incapable of being responsible for their own actions as other humans are.
Walking up to a bus stop and killing people with an axe or blowing one’s self up are savage acts.
Recognizing that some behavior is savage does not mean you think the people responsible for it are not humans or that they are incapable of acting like other humans.
Israel has made numerous concessions to the Palestinians and so far has not had a “real people” response that would lead to reconciliation but rather another “real person” response of more hate and bloodshed.
Fair comment, having just written a post on the American Sniper threat, it occurs to me that “murderous savages” was a label more than a few Vietnamese villagers would have been willing to apply to US soldiers, and others to US servicemen on other occasions, so yeah, as always it comes down to individuals, and resisting the convenience of stereotyping large groups based on the actions of a relative few.
No one said there are not “real people” surrounding Israel, but I know that straw men are your stock in trade.
Straw men are pretty much the stock in trade for most “liberals” (and by “liberals” I mean of course “tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State-fellators”), but Andrew W. certainly does seem to specialize . Previously I wondered if he were “Bob-1” posting under another name, although I often wonder if he isn’t He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, banned from this board for egregious stupidity about half a year ago. Now I’m wondering if AW isn’t actually the King of Straw Men, the leftist cartoonist “Tom Tomorrow.”
No, no, Bilwick, you’re the leftist, you see, leftism is all about controlling other peoples lives, collectivizing them and not recognizing them each as individuals, you know, what you like to do, and as you know, collectivizing is for communists.
I guess you’re just saying you think my supposition is wrong, fair enough.
I’m saying that the fact that they’re surrounded by millions of people trying to just live their lives doesn’t mitigate the fact that they’re also surrounded by people such as I described. Do you deny that they are? They’re the ones that have to matter to the Israelis, because it is an existential issue for them.
Nope, I don’t deny that, I’ve probably been getting too trigger happy, too keen to suspect you of Islamophobia.
I’ll try and save my comments for those more deserving 😉
What’s wrong with Islamophobia, Andrew? Would you be similarly concerned, if Rand was suffering from Naziphobia or Fascismophobia (especially if the person applying the label happens to favor Nazis or Fascists)?