High-Fat Rodent Diets

Why they are not to be trusted:

So are the results telling us that the increasingly popular low carb high fat approach is wrong? That after all there’s no need for official bodies to perform a major U-turn? Not as far as I can tell. In fact it seems the rodent work is highly misleading. Not only are the so called ‘high fat diets’ they are fed nothing like the low carbohydrate diets any informed human would follow, but the animals have been selectively bred to ensure they become fat and diabetic on a high fat diet. This is not research, it is a rigged game.

I’m sure you’re as shocked as I am.

One thought on “High-Fat Rodent Diets”

  1. Take an inbred, mutant albino version of a nocturnal/subterranean herbivorous rodent, and use it as a stand-in for a diurnal, omnivorous wild-type primate. Assume all sorts of things. Run experiments, report results. That’s nutritional science.

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