…is 100% wrong.
Whenever I see anyone use the 97% number, I ignore whatever else they have to say, because they are either clueless, or shameless liars.
…is 100% wrong.
Whenever I see anyone use the 97% number, I ignore whatever else they have to say, because they are either clueless, or shameless liars.
Comments are closed.
Rand said,
“I ignore whatever else they have to say, because they are either clueless, or shameless liars”
Rand, let’s be fair to those folks, and admit that those are not mutually exclusive propositions – they very well can be, and often are, both.
What if we use, “four out of five”? It worked for Trident. It might work for the warm mongers.
I thought the four out of five was for Camel cigarettes.
To paraphrase Lord Kelvin: If your experiment relies on consensus to obtain a result, you need to find a better experiment.
Oops that’s Ernest Rutherford, not Lord Kelvin:
> http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/ernestruth391627.html
Alex Epstein is doing great work. Throw your support behind him.
Michael Mann is https://twitter.com/MichaelEMann/status/552855961271291904