2 thoughts on “Deunionize The IRS”

  1. Yes, the prohibition on government employee unionization should be restored. But that isn’t enough to solve the problem. Reagan stood up to attempted extortion by unionized government employees by firing them all and starting over. Given that what IRS staffers have been doing is much more serious than simply trying to strong-arm the taxpayers for unreasonable pay raises, the negative consequences of this behavior should be correspondingly more severe. A PATCO-Plus solution is called for.

    There’s only one way to stop the current nonsense at the IRS. When a Republican President is sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017, his first official act needs to be firing everyone – and I mean everyone – on the IRS payroll and cancelling their pension benefits. He needs to do the same to everyone who formerly worked for the IRS during any part of the Obama administration and who is then currently employed in any other capacity by the U.S. government and cancel their pensions too. Ex-IRS-ers whose tenure there overlaps any part of the Obama administration but who are no longer working for the government merely get their government pensions cancelled.

    Career bureaucrats do the kinds of things the IRS has been doing because they think they are untouchable. To disabuse them of this poisonous idea, it is necessary to “touch” all of them – no exceptions. Then get some tax reform passed and restaff a radically truncated IRS with people who are not Democrat patronage stooges.

    Now, as to the EPA…

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