3 thoughts on ““Vampire” Therapy”

  1. Saw this on the news this morning although they didn’t mention vampires. It makes you wonder if some were not aware long ago and that’s how vampirism really got started? I can’t get the secondary link to come up. Lot’s of old witch fairy tales also seem to have this theme.

  2. Safest way to do this is to save up your own blood in a freezer….
    IE while in your 18…30yr age draw blood freeze it…. then in your later years transfuse with your own blood…. If it turns out to be a simple single compound as hinted…. then that changes the world in huge ways…. Faster please…

  3. Actually, the short answer is probably yes, based on this recent news article.


    Secrets to longevity found in blood of 115-year-old woman

    Published April 28, 2014

    [[[According to a report in New Scientist, the researchers found that in the years before her death, most of van Andel-Schipper’s white blood cells originated from just two stem cells, indicating that most of the blood stem cells she had been born with had been used up or died. Additionally, her white blood cells had incredibly short telomeres – the protective caps on chromosomes that wear down over time. ]]]


    [[[However, Holstege noted that the results raise the possibility of injecting aging bodies with youthful stem cells saved from the early years of life.

    “If I took a sample now and gave it back to myself when I’m older, I would have long telomeres again – although it might only be possible with blood, not other tissues,” she said.]]]

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