2 thoughts on ““Phony” Scandal Update”

  1. “The Inspector General found inappropriate criteria were used to select organizations for further review – he did not refer to it as targeting,” the commissioner told the committee. He also said, “Yes, inappropriate criteria were used. I don’t think I used the word target, but I do acknowledge that applications were delayed unnecessarily and for too long.”

    Nice use of passive voice. It’s as if the “inappropriate criteria” acted on its own.

    What was the criteria? Spell it out in detail.

    Who established the criteria? Name names.

    Who applied the criteria? Again, name names.

    What was the results of applying the criteria? Besides delaying their applications, did this force those impacted to suffer higher legal and compliance costs? Did it impact their ability to participate in the election process in a way that those organizations who were not impacted were able to do?

    Were laws broken by any IRS employees (especially the leadership) in establishing and applying the “inappropriate criteria”?

  2. While Onsie-Jim loves to try and convince us that progressive groups were targeted in big numbers along with Tea Party groups – and hence there is no scandal there – we never believed him.

    And for good reason.

    And of course we were right:

    IRS agents’ testimony: NO progressive groups were targeted by IRS

    [ Note the plural possessive]

    “IRS agents testified before Congress that the agency’s political targeting did not apply to progressive groups as Democrats and the media have claimed, according to a bombshell new staff report prepared by the House Oversight Committee chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/07/committee-staff-report-no-progressive-groups-were-targeted-by-irs/#ixzz2yDc50Pwv

    “[T]here is simply no evidence that any liberal or progressive group received enhanced scrutiny because its application reflected the organization’s political views,” the report stated.


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