The Seven Million Bigots

Purge them all:

But why stop there? According to Wikipedia, 7,001,084 people voted for Prop 8. Why do any of those people still have jobs? Shouldn’t they all be forced to resign? And why should they have the privilege of living in California at all? I say round them up and move them someplace where they won’t do any harm.

Oh, and let’s find every media figure, writer or actor or musician, who voted for Prop 8. Surely they’re a special danger. Someone should start an investigation — form a committee to investigate un-American activities like that, expose the malefactors, and make them identify anyone else they know who was involved. Let’s make it clear that differing on these opinions is unacceptable. Like Eich, they should be blacklisted and never allowed to work again.

Damn straight.

[Update a while later]

Glenn has a lot more. Apparently Mozilla is getting a lot of negative feedback, but as he points out, OK Cupid should be taking a lot of heat, too, particularly considering their hypocrisy.

[Update mid morning]

The “liberal” mob claims another scalp.

People who behave this way are many things, but liberal is not one of them.

[Early afternoon update]

“The Internet just cut off its nose to spite its Facebook.”

I would never defend a homophobe—but does “pure hate” homophobia include dedicating oneself to outreach to “marginalized” LGBT developers, as Eich did almost immediately? Does Mozilla further its cause-privacy uber alles and the free flow of information—by making its pioneers into pariahs in social media, while issuing blatantly hypocritical statements which claim to treasure “religious diversity” at Mozilla? (And did anyone flinch when Mark Zuckerberg held GOP fundraisers?) Is what we want ”politically correct web browsing” where the Twittersphere and “socially conscious corporations” determine whose ideas are disseminated? Is this the open internet, or shall the open-source web be verboten to those “on the wrong side of history”?

This is a very very ugly precedent.

[Update a while later]

Andrew Sullivan continues to fight the good fight on this issue:

There is not a scintilla of evidence that he has ever discriminated against a single gay person at Mozilla; he was dedicated to continuing Mozilla’s inclusive policies; he was prepared to prove that the accusations against him were unfair, and that his political views would not affect his performance as CEO. But this was not enough. He had to be publicly punished for supporting a Proposition that is no longer in effect. This is absolutely McCarthyism from an increasingly McCarthyite left.

The only problem the Left ever had with McCarthyism was that they were McCarthy’s target.

26 thoughts on “The Seven Million Bigots”

  1. If you go back to around 2000, not even many gays supported gay marriage, including Barney Frank. So I say we also need to purge the gays for their past non-support of gay marriage.

    I don’t get too worked up about gay issues, though, because they’re ironically enjoying their last hurrah before science inevitably finds a pre-natal diagnostic test and their numbers plummet to near-extinction as parents have “the talk.” Many decades after that, Hollywood will have to have straight actors playing gays in period pieces, and without any first-hand cultural experience the portrayals will be as accurate a representation as the average character on Game of Thrones.

    1. before science inevitably finds a pre-natal diagnostic test and their numbers plummet

      On that note, I found this exposition by Greg Cochran to be very interesting, and the comments are laugh-out-loud hilarious in spots. Including a discussion of the idea that certain countries will make the test (and the resulting “therapy”) mandatory, which will inevitably lead to some country (or jurisdiction) doing the opposite; “come here to have your baby, we guarantee it will be gay”.

  2. He was forced out due to negative reaction in a move to preserve the brand. IT IS THE FREE MARKET.

        1. Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was pointing out that if they purged the CEO because of ‘negative reaction’, it wasn’t reaction from the FREE MARKET, but the few places they actually get funding from.

    1. There are certainly free market aspects to this but that doesn’t mean motives of the actors involved can’t be examined and discussed. Some people seem to get off telling people what they can and can’t speak about. We all know that were the situation reverse ad there would be plenty of talk about motives.

  3. McCarthy didn’t know the half of it. Communist infiltration was already much worse in the 1950s than he imagined in his worst nightmares.

    And now they’re in charge.

    They’re using militant homosexuals and angry minorities to drive wedges through the American public, sowing division and discord wherever possible.

    They control the schools, and are teaching hatred for American history. They teach Americans to feel guilty for having a high standard of living.

    They control the entertainment industry, which is being used to break down traditional morality.

    They control the bureaucracy, and make it difficult for people to run businesses.

    They control the EPA, which punishes private property owners.

    They’ve captured the media, which is now a propaganda organ for the government.

    They’re using the IRS as a political weapon to attack opponents, and to instill fear in anyone who contributes to the political opposition.

    They are utilizing Political Correctness to drive real patriots out of the military, so they can restructure it to their own ends.

    They have destroyed relationships with our traditional allies. Every country on Earth now knows that America cannot be trusted to have their backs in a crisis. That means that we will be on our own when our back is against the wall.

    They are debasing our currency by running up levels of debt that can never be paid off without turning the American middle class into slaves.

    I could go on, but I think you have the gist of it.

  4. This whole deal was ridiculous. Forcing him to resign based on a personal belief he did not attempt to pursue using corporate means. Sick.

    A lot of these people also need to get the point that marriage is not a right. It is something the state grants for a reason: to self-perpetuate. Good luck achieving that with “gay marriage”.

  5. A lot of these people also need to get the point that marriage is not a right. It is something the state grants for a reason: to self-perpetuate. Good luck achieving that with “gay marriage”.

    The state doesn’t grant marriage for self-perpetuation. It grants it as a legal contract between adults that affords certain rights (e.g., visitation rights, decision-making in the event your partner falls into a coma, survivorship, etc), responsibilities (joint ownership of income and property), and benefits (health care, all sorts of stuff in the tax code). Even if I accepted your “self-perpetuation” argument — which I don’t — in the 21st century anybody can have kids using all sorts of technology, or just good ol’ fashioned adoption.

    Religious institutions have no bearing on marriage. They only provide a ceremony for communities who celebrate such things. The state is the only institution that can recognize a marriage, because in the end marriages are only enjoined, enforced, and dissolved via civil legal institutions. And that’s why all of this is a civil right, and not a matter of “religious freedom”.

    1. You have unwittingly provided all the arguments for getting the State out of the marriage business altogether.

    2. Religious institutions have no bearing on marriage.

      They did for thousands of years until the state decided to tax it. You could claim religious institutions have no bearing on healthcare, despite the fact that they built the hospitals and we still recognize the red cross and red crescent, but now healthcare is taxed and being co-opted by the state.

      1. They did for thousands of years until the state decided to tax it.

        So what? For thousands of years, religious institutions had all sorts of legal powers. I’m thankful that our founding fathers wanted a secular state and not a theocracy.

  6. Nothing prevents conservatives from starting their own browser foundation
    and making it free and giving it away.

    Callit FoxRight and have it autoplay Limbaugh and Beck.

  7. I have been using firefox for many years now, so I was reluctant to change but because of this I went to palemoon. If you are a firefox user you will find palemoon exactly the same to what you are used too.

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