
The game has changed:

The level of disengagement on display is deeply shocking.

Venezuela’s domestic media blackout is joined by a parallel international blackout, one born not of censorship but of disinterest and inertia. It’s hard to express the sense of helplessness you get looking through these pages and finding nothing. Venezuela burns; nobody cares.

Let me put this clearly. Y’all need to step it up. The time to discard what you thought you knew about the way things work in Venezuela is now.

Guess they don’t have the bandwidth for more than one oppressive government at a time, particularly when it’s a favored leftist one.

5 thoughts on “Venezuela”

  1. Some day, perhaps soon, riots and protests will start in Cuba, and the government troops will shoot protesters as the cities burn and the country undergoes a counter-revolution, civil war, and overthrow of the communist regime. NBC’s first report on the story will say “And for those planning vacations this summer, officials report that tourism to the nation of Cuba has gone up 80 percent since the spring, citing new lower prices and a more business-friendly environment in that country, which selected a new president back in February.”

  2. As I said last night on another blog:

    There have been countless occasions when people fighting tyrants have gotten little more than lip service and hand-wringing from the “international community” or the UN. Venezuela and Ukraine are just the latest examples.

    So remember one thing: When (not if) this happens here in America, do not expect any sympathy or support from abroad. We will be on our own.

    1. Obama said those are not legitimate news sources.

      It is always fun to compare the differences in what is covered by the different news networks.

      1. Rush and Fox couldn’t possibly cover the Venezuela story because it would undermine their belief in the glories of left-wing socialism. Fox does have some trouble getting coverage in Venezuela because the country is kind of like Obama’s vision of America, where any news media that doesn’t support the government line gets harassed and shut down. In Venezuela you could be arrested for suspicion of being a Fox News reporter. Heck, the left-wing authoritarian Venezuelan government even ejected a bunch of CNN reporters, and shut down all Internet access of a city of about 200,000 people.

        Surprisingly little high-bandwidth coverage is able to make it out of Venezuela, as if an iron curtain was descending. To leftist idiots who are lucky enough to live in a capitalist country that still lets them buy food and toilet paper, this somehow proves that capitalists at Fox News are evil.

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