Bill In A China Shop

The de Blasio era begins in New York:

He then recited the key elements of his platform: affordable-housing projects, an end to hospital closures, reform of the “broken” stop-and-frisk policy, and a tax on upper-income earners. After each item, he would say, “We won’t wait, we’ll do it now.”

Not content with promoting his own agenda, he had to take swipes at something called the “far right,” which he zinged for its agenda of “trickle-down economics” and giving “more to the most fortunate.” Luckily, much of de Blasio’s fiscal program will need approval from New York governor Andrew Cuomo and state legislators — who, for all their faults, don’t appreciate the “Bill in the China Shop” approach of the new mayor.

Noah Rothman, a writer for, was taken aback by the tone and tenor of the speeches. He tweeted that “MSNBC [is] really missing a branding opportunity here. . . . We’re swearing in a new prime time host.” Indeed, we can only thank the schedulers for at least sparing us from having MSNBC’s Al Sharpton at the podium.

This may very quickly provide an example of how disastrous leftist policies can be, leading up the mid-terms.

9 thoughts on “Bill In A China Shop”

  1. Good luck, my fair native city. I predict de Blasio will have all the success of Obama, and that his policies, if followed, will bring to NYC all the prosperity and peace that statism always brings.

  2. No matter what comes of de Blasio’s time as mayor, I’m still confident that Snake Plissken will still be able to make it into the city and back out within 24 hours.

  3. I wonder how fast things can happen if they just went for full-on-blue model.

    $25/hour minimum wage, $5000/year permit to drive inside the city limit, mandatory volunteerism, mandatory unionization across the board, mandatory “mental health” checks,

    Generators, guns, knives, bats, water-in-bottles, soda, foie gras, fast-food restaurants, gas stations, bankers, banks, alcohol,

    Helmets, safety glasses, steel-toed shoes, life-jackets, particulate filter, amber-alert-device, … and that’s just for walking.

  4. For all the legitimate jokes about “Nanny Bloomberg,” New Yorkers and others may soon pine for the days when such relative trivia were on the government menu. The rock-hard left has just taken over and added and express line to the subway: Direct to the decrepitude of the ’70’s-’80’s era in the City – and worse.

  5. Electing this guy is taking 70s nostalgia way too far. At least most of the people who want him and his policies will end up living under those policies, unlike the Progressive fascination with regimes like those imposed by Chavez or Castro or Ortega (no relation.)

  6. … and a tax on upper-income earners. After each item, he would say, “We won’t wait, we’ll do it now.”

    Not content with promoting his own agenda, he had to take swipes at something called the “far right,” which he zinged for its agenda of “trickle-down economics” and giving “more to the most fortunate.”

    Seems to me that New York City is about to have a run of “bad luck.”

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