14 thoughts on “Michael Mann”

  1. Paul H. Jossey

    Paul H. Jossey? Who the heck is Paul H. Jossey?


    Ahh, that explains it.

  2. “Conservative website calls climate scientist a charlatan”

    “Conservative politician investigates climate scientist for misuse of public funds, climate scientist endorses his opponent”

    “Clean energy execs seeking government subsidies meet with government official in charge of clean energy subsidies”

    “Dog bites man”

    1. Why do we have executives going to the government asking for handouts? If this clean energy stuff was really good and popular, wouldn’t it have no problem getting funds in the market place?

      1. That is the same question I have about New Space. If it is really good and popular why are all the firms asking NASA for handouts…

      2. Why do we have executives going to the government asking for handouts?

        In the history of mankind has there ever been a system of government that did not feature private enterprises asking for public money?

        1. There’s a difference between providing products and services for a fee and receiving grants and subsidies.

      1. McAuliffe is indefensible, but surely meeting with an administration official in unsuccessful pursuit of government loans is not among his worst offenses.

        1. And, if it were a Republican businessman/political operative who had wheedled half a billion $ from Republican lawmakers for a company with little hope of success, which had subsequently gone belly up but enriched Republican donors… You would have no problem with this?

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