9 thoughts on “The Language Police”

  1. The language police are everywhere. About 20 years ago when my sister was stationed in Germany, there was a stink about weather reports using the term “black ice”. Why, well, black ice (non-shiny ice on a roadway that’s hard to see until it’s too late and is the cause of many accidents) is negative and you shouldn’t allow any negative association with the color black. Honestly, where do they find such fools?

  2. If someone told me I can’t say ‘black ice’, I’d be tempted to play dumb and change it to ‘African-American ice’. That is the appropriate solution for most alleged misuses of the word ‘black’.

  3. Feh – where I’m from we had real language police which actually go around investigating and fining people. Look up the Office de la Langue Francais http://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ . Get back to me when your so called language police start doing that.

  4. “black ice”

    Reminds me of Sheila Jackson Lee’s demand that Hurricane names be more racially diverse, and she won that argument. We can all be happy when the NWS honors Trayvon…

      1. I think George has been retired with the 1998 Cat 4 Hurricane Georges, but I agree with your point.

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