What does their microscopic size mean?
Could it be that the citizenry, including African-Americans, supposedly so greatly injured, have seen through the media hype (what I earlier called media pornography) and themselves realize this case is simply an accidental, anomalous one-off and not that big of a deal?
I certainly hope so, because what we have been going through is a form of national nervous breakdown, taking us rapidly backwards on race relations, something that has improved consistently in our country over the last fifty years.
What we do not need now is a “national conversation on race.” That’s like taking a scab that’s slowly healing and, just when it’s about to whither away, scratching it as hard as possible until the wound comes back.
The only reason to have a “national conversation on race” is to once again stir up the slaves on the “liberal” plantation leading up to next year’s election (which was the same reason that the Democrat race mongers in the media had to spin the false Zimmerman narrative last year as well). Fortunately, unlike the IRS scandal, this actually does seem to be fizzling.
[Update a few minutes later]
“Why I left the NAACP”:
Progressives in the NAACP called me a “bad soldier” for the organization. I refuse to fight for agendas that hold my community down in poverty. Black Americans are only 13.5 percent of the total population, but we represent 34 percent of all welfare recipients. The culture of dependency has our abolitionist forefathers rolling in their graves.
The organization’s attempted manipulation of Martin’s tragic death for its own gain – the NAACP even held its 2013 annual convention as close to the media covering Zimmerman’s trial as it could – is just the latest example of a once-great organization gone completely off the rails. The case had nothing to do with “racial profiling,” but the cynics at the NAACP saw an opportunity to score political points on a buzzword issue and relentlessly pounced.
It’s time for black Americans to reject the NAACP’s message of entitlement and victimhood. It’s time for members of the black community to educate themselves on the values they won’t hear from the NAACP pulpit.
It’s been a long time since that organization was for the actual interests of colored people.
[Update a while later]
More thoughts from Shelby Steele:
The Revs. Jackson and Sharpton have been consigned to a hard fate: They can never be more than redundancies, echoes of the great men they emulate because America has changed. Hard to be a King or Mandela today when your monstrous enemy is no more than the cherubic George Zimmerman.
Why did the civil-rights leadership use its greatly depleted moral authority to support Trayvon Martin? This young man was, after all, no Rosa Parks—a figure of indisputable human dignity set upon by the rank evil of white supremacy. Trayvon threw the first punch and then continued pummeling the much smaller Zimmerman. Yes, Trayvon was a kid, but he was also something of a menace. The larger tragedy is that his death will come to very little. There was no important principle or coherent protest implied in that first nose-breaking punch. It was just dumb bravado, a tough-guy punch.
…here, precisely at the point of this verdict, is where all of America begins to see this hollowed-out civil-rights establishment slip into pathos. Almost everyone saw this verdict coming. It is impossible to see how this jury could have applied the actual law to this body of evidence and come up with a different conclusion. The civil-rights establishment’s mistake was to get ahead of itself, to be seduced by its own poetic truth even when there was no evidence to support it. And even now its leaders call for a Justice Department investigation, and they long for civil lawsuits to be filed—hoping against hope that some leaf of actual racial victimization will be turned over for all to see. This is how a once-great social movement looks when it becomes infested with obsolescence.
One wants to scream at all those outraged at the Zimmerman verdict: Where is your outrage over the collapse of the black family? Today’s civil-rights leaders swat at mosquitoes like Zimmerman when they have gorillas on their back. Seventy-three percent of all black children are born without fathers married to their mothers. And you want to bring the nation to a standstill over George Zimmerman?
At this point, their moral authority should not be just depleted, but completely dissipated. And it would be if we had an honest press.
People understand self defense. The blatant attempt to turn this into a race issue… and the media’s breathless reporting on the vast number of protests across the country, is removing the scales from many peoples eyes.
There’s often a big disconnect between caring about an issue and caring A LOT about an issue. I’m sure pretty much every black person in America is convinced Trayvon was killed unjustly. But that doesn’t mean most black people in America are upset enough to riot, or march in Houston in August, or even write a letter to the editor. Sure, stick a microphone in someone’s face and ask them what they think, and they’ll say it’s terrible. But otherwise, they’ve got lives to live.
Conservatives bumped into this same problem in the last election: a lot of people dislike the Obama administration’s policies — but apparently they didn’t dislike them enough to do anything about it.
I’m sure pretty much every black person in America is convinced Trayvon was killed unjustly.
This tells more about you than them.
apparently they didn’t dislike them enough to do anything
Leaving Mitt out of this equation is an amazing blindness.
I thought about organizing a “Justice for [insert names of all youth killed by gangs and child rapists in June, 2013]” Rally, but I ran out of enough refrigerator boxes on which to write all of the names of the victims.
And that’s one of the bigger issues that people have taken with the race-baiting and focus on a single youth who tried to beat the snot out of someone carrying a concealed weapon; there are plenty of people who die through no fault of their own other than perhaps walking too close to gang territory, and not a single cry of justice for them…
As a minor note, when the Democrats began to demonize the Iraq war, black leaders hopped on board with both feet, even going so far as to portray the war as a racial issue, and as a result military recruitment among blacks made a huge decline. Yet the military had long been a place that was colorblind, and where many black men with difficult backgrounds learned how to perform and how to lead, and returned to their communities highly motivated, disciplined, and productive, becoming role models and leaders. Collin Powell and Allen West are just two noted examples.
The race hustlers, poverty pimps, and liberal lackies had no problems terminating all that in their quest for more poverty, power, Democrat voters, and group think. To them, worse than having any blacks leave the plantation is having any leave and succeed. It showed the real nature of today’s black leadership, which may give a few nods to the past but today would rather convinced a future group of Tuskegee Airmen to stay back in Tuskegee and protest in favor of allowing liquor stores to take EBT cards.
Oh, and I just caught this from National Review’sTweet Tracker (a handy thing to bookmark).
ABC New reports a Zimmerman sighting
That’s going to upset the narrative, so I’m pretty sure the only reason ABC even reported it is to give a head’s up as to Zimmerman’s probable location so the New Black Panthers can find him.
If the case had been reversed (Martin having grabbed Zimmerman’s gun) and Martin had been acquitted of manslaughter, I suspect the first post-trial Martin sighting would have quite a different statement from Sanford Police, probably something along the lines of “He was apprehended after a shootout with police during an assault and robbery attempt.”
He just can’t stay in his truck, can he?
That was a good one. 🙂
At the tweet tracker above, Iowahawk and lots of others are having a field day with it.
TMZ has more, including the audio of the 911 call.
As I understand it, the truck was on fire and had two children in it, a long with two adults. I’ve already seen a ton of Trayvon idiots claim the accident was staged to help Zimmerman. One retort was “Yeah, whites flip over their truck and set it on fire with their family inside all the time to help out a Hispanic.”