4 thoughts on “One Ring To Rule Them All”

  1. Rand,

    Quite true, and deservedly so. Another benefit of this scandal is that authoritarians on both sides of the aisle have shown their true color (Boehner, Graham, Obama, Feinstein, etc.). The problem is it’s also pretty clear that none of the major party Presidential candidates over the past decade or two would’ve done any different. Could you see Romney, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Dole, or Bush Sr actually killing a program like this just out of 4th Amendment concerns without someone first whistleblowing on it? Actually could you have seen any of them killing such a program even after it had been revealed?

    I’m glad that a large percentage of the population is pissed about this. They should be. I just doubt it’ll amount to anything. Both parties are thoroughly drunken on executive and government power, and I don’t think there’s any chance that either party is going to sober up on their own.


  2. Up till now the job of NSA director or DNI was a non-partisan, merit based appointment given to the geekiest of the geeks. Now that Congress knows what kind of information and power that position could offer their own party if used illegally, the next nomination hearing will be a battle to put a power mad, but viciously loyal partisan hack, on the Iron Throne. Shortly after that, representative democracy and the Constitution becomes a sham.

    1. ..and in fact the emergence of these scandals represents that the process is well underway — as people see the clear and irrefutable evidence that you can’t use the One Ring to fight Sauron.

      That realization would not be occurring if the attempt had not already been made, disastrously, years ago.

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