Two Terrorists

A tale:

As I said, people of a certain age remember this history. For those that don’t, Robert Redford is kindly about to release a movie recounting the Rockland robbery (albeit relocated to Michigan). By all accounts, the film lionizes the Weather Underground terrorists, Boudin and her accomplices.

Perhaps to bring it full circle, Professor Boudin can soon guest-lecture at a film class at Columbia when the Redford movie is screened.

Other than the passage of time, one can find no real distinction between the cowardly actions of last Monday’s Boston murderer and the terror carried out by Boudin and her accomplices. Yet today we live in a country where our leading educational institutions see fit to trust our children’s education to murderers and Hollywood sees fit to celebrate terrorists.

The Web site of Columbia’s School of Social Work sums up Boudin’s past thus: “Dr. Kathy Boudin has been an educator and counselor with experience in program development since 1964, working within communities with limited resources to solve social problems.”

“Since 1964” — that would include the bombing of my house, it would include the anti-personnel devices intended for Fort Dix and it would include the dead policeman on the side of the Thruway in 1981.

We have a sick culture, particularly in Hollywood and academia.

5 thoughts on “Two Terrorists”

  1. This ties into the “right-wing” slur article.
    What do you call a left-wing terrorist?

  2. Is anything more obvious? So why the crickets? Where is the reporter shame in not bringing this out? Where is Breitbart? Where are the megaphones shouting this from the house tops?

    If we never turn this around, it’s game over. It does not matter if individuals are not yet caught in the nets. If this is not effectively countered at some point, big brother will own us all.

    We know our schools have been taken over. What are we doing about it?
    We know the media is in the tank. What are we doing about it?
    Debate is a losing tactic. We need to think strategically.
    Are we going to fix it?

    I have no solution.

  3. Same over here, folks. Over here, we have two convicted IRA terrorists as Members of Parliament. Both of them ought to have been dead for thirty years – at least.

  4. In the sixties all values were revalued. The 1960s were a Kuhnian-Nietzchean shift: the transvaluation of all values. Expect more of the same, similar to the Renaissance. As time passes all that was valued prior to 1960 will be seen as obscurantism and savagery, similar to the contempt the Enlightenment had for the “Dark Ages.”

    This Renaissance is bleak and ugly. In its rejection of freedom in all its forms (science not beholden to politics; economics not beholden to the state; political liberty), it can only become more totalitarian. All ready media, corporation, and government unite in broadcasting its morality through “public-service” announcements.

    1. Oh G8d. PSA’s. I listen to a lot of AM radio, it seems like they’ve multiplied by a factor of 10 over the last 5 years. And they are so fracking lame. They’ll run the same one every 15 minutes for days on end.

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